Over 70 cities support the new mode of "old for new" housing to stimulate new demand

2024-05-27 09:00

Recently, the Guangzhou Real Estate Industry Association and the Guangzhou Real Estate Intermediary Association officially launched the proposal for the city's housing "old for new" activity. The first batch of 122 real estate projects and 12 real estate intermediaries were launched in the city. Guangzhou has become another first tier city to launch the housing "old for new" activity.

"Trade in the old for the new" has become an important means to digest the stock of commercial housing and stimulate the vitality of housing consumption. According to the incomplete statistics of the reporter of the Economic Information Daily, up to now, more than 70 cities have launched the relevant policy of "old for new" housing. The reporter also learned from the field interviews that many cities that have recently launched the policy have also received deals, which has played a positive role in leveraging the housing demand.

Since May 3, Shanghai has launched the "old for new" activity of commercial housing. At present, there are 13 buildings participating in the activity. When the reporter visited the Yuefu project in Xiangyu Jiangwan, Fengxian District, he saw that the sales office was prominently placed with a notice board indicating the specific process of "trade in the old for the new".

Wang Yanchao, the marketing director of the property, told reporters that the project has been linked with two intermediaries. After a consumer subscribes for a new house, he or she can sign a consignment agreement with an intermediary, and the intermediary will give priority to online promotion of the second-hand houses listed for sale to increase traffic exposure. "The number of visitors to our sales office has increased by 30% since we participated in the 'old for new' activity," he said.

According to the statistical data provided by Shanghai Lianjia, since May 3, 149 new house transactions have been generated and 10 new second-hand listed houses have been added through the new house project designated by Shanghai Lianjia to bring customers "old for new".

The reporter learned that, such as Shanghai, the exchange of people, real estate enterprises and intermediary agencies are linked in many ways. While the exchange of people give priority to the purchase of new houses by real estate enterprises, the intermediary agencies help the exchange of people to sell the old houses first can be called the "multi linkage help to sell" model, which is more common in this round of "old for new" real estate. Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other first tier cities adopt this model.

Some experts pointed out that "trade in the old for the new" is different from the previous sales model of real estate. It not only has lower deposit, but also can lock in the housing supply, which improves the enthusiasm of the intended buyers. From the perspective of house buyers, participating in activities is equivalent to having a "refund cycle", which can dispel the worries about default.

In addition to the "multi-party linkage to help sell" model, in this round of "old for new" real estate, many places explicitly encourage or promote state-owned enterprises to purchase second-hand houses in the hands of buyers.

The mode of "State owned enterprises collecting the old and replacing the new" is that enterprises or platforms purchase the stock of second-hand houses at the assessed price, and the house changer selects the intended new house within a certain range and signs a sales contract with the developer. Up to now, nearly 20 cities such as Nanjing, Zhengzhou, Suzhou and Wuxi have adopted this model. Cao Jingjing, General Manager of Index Research Department of China Index Research Institute, believes that this model not only meets the owner's demand for improved housing, but also accelerates the inventory reduction of the new housing market, and can also accelerate the pace of government affordable housing financing.

On April 27, Nanjing Anju Construction Group Co., Ltd. announced the launch of the "old for new" pilot of stock housing in six districts of the main city, with the first batch of pilot houses totaling 2000 sets. The subject of house acquisition is the wholly-owned company of Nanjing Anju Construction Group Co., Ltd. and Nanjing Zhixin Asset Management Co., Ltd.

The reporter learned from Nanjing Anju Group that as of May 20, there were about 3450 groups of online, telephone and on-site consultations on the "old for new" activity, about 4150 groups of intention registrations on the WeChat applet "Nanjing for new" platform, and about 3430 groups of registrations that met the conditions in the preliminary review. In addition, there are about 2230 groups of visitors to the case scene, and 515 groups of house changing people who have paid the money for new house intention.

It is worth noting that the "old for new" policy and other policies are forming a joint force to further boost housing demand.

Taking Nanjing as an example, Manager Li, a real estate consultant of Nanjing Yiju Real Estate Co., Ltd., said that recently, a series of "combination punches" such as lowering down payment, lowering loan interest rate, and "517" new policy, together with the promotion of "old for new", the property market in Nanjing has risen significantly. In more than 10 commercial residential projects of Nanjing Anju Group represented by the company, more than 500 groups of customers only intend to sign contracts and pay deposits for "old for new" projects.

"The combination of 'old for new' and other policies has further boosted the housing demand, which will be conducive to market replacement to improve the release of demand and enhance the activity of the second-hand housing market. Under the situation of 'price for volume', the transaction of second-hand housing in core cities is expected to maintain a certain scale." Chen Wenjing, director of market research of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, said.

In the future, more cities are expected to introduce the "old for new" policy. However, the insiders also believe that there is still some room for optimization of the current "old for new" policy around the country.

"In the future, all regions can consider using the 'room ticket' method to balance the financial pressure between state-owned platforms and developers." Cao Jingjing said, "After the state-owned asset platform pays the owner's old house price through the 'room ticket', the 'room ticket' received by the developer can not only encourage the developer to delay cashing the 'room ticket', but also consider allowing the real estate enterprise to buy land directly with the 'room ticket', so as to alleviate the short-term capital pressure of the state-owned asset platform and stimulate the local land market."