
Good material, automatic color matching

The material is very beautiful, but it is abrupt to put it in the PPT?
Does not exist.

All PPTmall materials are equipped with black+white background color matching style, which can be clearly read in light/dark background. All materials comply with the theme color matching specification, and the color matching can be automatically matched to the current theme color matching style when pasted into your PPT.

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Material is the key, not the template

Is it still difficult to do PPT with a large number of templates?
The key is not in the template, but in the material.

PPTmall provides a popular and high-quality PPT material download service. Common logic diagrams, charts, graphical illustrations, and prototype drawings are all available. Just copy and paste them, and you can use them immediately. All kinds of difficult problems can be solved instantly.

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Material expert, what we need is fast

The material is too hard to find?
You can find it in 10 seconds.

PPTmall, relying on the scientific classification of PPT producers' vision, is committed to finding the materials you need easily with no more than 3 clicks. The visual index system interface is very friendly to users.

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PPTmall is an efficient visual PPT material library system

It is important to use data, but more important to use charts
Each chart type has a description of its use scope and purpose, so that you can use the chart more accurately.

Select PPT materials according to elements
Screen according to the number of elements needed to obtain more accurate material matching.

Find the required PPT materials according to the color preference
Using the same color material can make the whole presentation document look more uniform and professional.


Find the corresponding PPT plate and apply it directly, which can quickly and efficiently complete the production of PPT.


It is committed to creating a complete PPT animation base material library, and there is no PPT animation hard to do in the world.

They all chose PPTmall