The Most Wonderful Ruerderby: Harland Dances Alone Across the Field to Celebrate the Goal

May 16, 2020 22:28:27 PP Sports | You can't eat any more meatballs
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  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

  • On the evening of the 16th Beijing time, the Bundesliga took the lead in the rematch. In this game, Harland opened the record for the team. After scoring, he did not hug his teammates, but only looked at each other. There is also a long distance between the bench, coach and players.

Editor in charge: You can't eat any more meatballs
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