The progress is obvious, three goals in the first 15 games of Gretska's rematch and three goals in the sixth game after the rematch

09:00:23, June 14, 2020 PP Sports | Know the World

In a Bundesliga match that ended this morning, Bayern Munich beat Menxing 2-1 at home. In the game, Bayern Munich midfielder Gretzka continued his excellent performance after the semi-final and scored the winning goal for Bayern.

After the second round, Gretzka was one of the best players of Bayern. Gretzka trained hard during the suspension of the league tournament, focusing on muscle training, and his physical quality has grown significantly. Gretzka can attack and defend well on the court, making obvious progress.

Gretzka scored three goals in 15 Bundesliga matches before the semi-final. Gretzka has scored three goals in the six Bundesliga matches after the rematch.

In addition, Gretska also performed well in defense against Menxing. Six victories were won in nine confrontations, including one tackle, two interceptions and one clearance.

Editor in charge: Valamella
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