What about winning the next round? Bayern will not be able to win the cup in advance or celebrate with fans on the screen after the last round

June 14, 2020 08:47:24 PP Sports | You can't eat any more meatballs

With three rounds left, Bayern is 7 points ahead of Dortmund, the second place. If Bayern can successfully defeat Werder Bremen in the next round, they will win the Bundesliga championship this season in advance.

However, for Bayern, they may not be able to enjoy the joy of getting the Bundesliga salad plate in the next round, because for the sake of safety and epidemic prevention, DFL President Sepert does not want to award the trophy to Bayern too early. Previously, Bild reported that DFL considered that the Bundesliga still had the possibility of cutting its own half in advance due to the epidemic, so the Bundesliga side hoped to issue the salad plate to Bayern after all the 34 rounds of the league, that is, after the Bayern away game against Wolfsburg.

As for the award ceremony, it will also become very simple. The number of people in the infield can only be 100 at most. There will be no confetti cannons or trophy stands in the past. Family members and friends cannot enter the venue. DFL employees even need special permission to enter.

And it is reported that the usual beer bath in the past years will also be canceled. After Bayern won the championship, they usually chose to celebrate with the fans in Maria Square, and the mayor of Munich has also rejected this possibility. He said that he would work with the club to find other ways, and might celebrate with the fans in the club screen.

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Editor in charge: You can't eat any more meatballs
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