German Cup professional! Pelicic has reached the final on behalf of three teams

June 11, 2020 05:23:59 PP Sports | Bastie

At 2:45 on June 11, Beijing time, Bayern met Frankfurt in the semi-final of the German Cup. In the end, he reached the final 2-1 with the goals of Pelicic and Levan. This is also the third time that Pericic has reached the German Cup final on behalf of different teams.

The first time he entered the German Cup final was in 2011-12 with Borussia Dortmund, and finally the Hornets won the championship with a 5-2 victory over Bayern Munich. In the 2014-15 season, he followed Wolfsburg to enter the final of the German Cup, and finally won the championship with a 3-1 victory over Dortmund.

This year's German Cup will be held at Berlin Olympic Stadium on July 4 local time.

[Germany Cup - Bayern Bayern scored 2-1 in the final of the meeting between Frankfurt and the pharmaceutical factory with the sword of Levian]

Editor in charge: Bastie
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