The director of Menxing became the first official in German armour to be punished by Zhihong because of his loud protest against Ranhong

11:30:28, June 6, 2020 PP Sports | Understand the ball emperor

In the 30th round of the Bundesliga, Max Eber, the sports director of Menchengladbach, received a red card for loudly protesting against the penalty. He became the first technical official to receive a direct red card in the history of the Bundesliga.

In the 68th minute of the game, Munchen striker Pulia got the second yellow card of the game, and Eber then complained loudly. The referee Marcus Schmidt was prompted by the fourth official Timo Grach and showed Eber a red card directly.

Previously, Sandro Schwartz, the former coach of Mainz, was sent to the stands after receiving two yellow cards in the game in September 2019. The coach Marco Ross, also from Menxing, had similar violations in the German Cup last October and was shown a red card by the referee on duty, so he had to suspend one match in the German Cup next season.

Editor in charge: Valamella
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