Bundesliga - Paderborn 1-6 Dortmund Sancho with hat, young Azarshmerzer shoots

June 1, 2020 01:52:28 PP Sports | Lao Xu

At 0:00 on June 1, Beijing time, Dortmund faced Deputy Monitor Paderborn in the league. Little Azar created many chances to score in the first half of the game, but unfortunately, none of them turned into goals. Little Azar scored in the second half, Sancho scored twice, Hunemeyer pulled back a city through a penalty kick, and Ashraf, Schmelzer and Sancho scored another goal respectively. In the end, Dortmund defeated Paderborn 6-1.

Competition highlights

[Bundesliga - Little Azar shoots Sancho Hatted Dot 6-1 Paderborn away]

Game data

Goal Review

54 'Little Azar

57 'Sangqiao

72 'Huenemel

74 'Sangqiao

85 'Ashraf

89 'Schmelzer

91 'Sangqiao

Competition process

The camera was directed to the empty stands, and several senior executives of Dortmund Club watched the game with masks on.

In the 11th minute, Paderborn hit a quick counter attack, and Selbeni shared the ball to the right. After Antevi Ajay burst into the restricted area with the ball, he shot low with his right foot, and the ball slid past the door.

In the 13th minute, Antway Ajay burst into the right side of the restricted area with the ball and shot hard, and the ball flew directly to the stands.

In the 17th minute, Pishcek made a long pass in the back court. After young Azar entered the restricted area at a high speed, he ejected from a small angle, and Ziegler saved the ball from a near angle.

In the 26th minute, Dortmund had a good chance to break the goal. Sancho sent the ball straight, Brandt made the ball back, Guerrero shot the ball angrily, and Collins put out a foot in front of the goal to block the ball out of the bottom line.

In the 30th minute, Strodick's header return was not very good. Little Azar took the opportunity to insert, and Ziegler blocked the ball before Little Azar's shot.

In the 45th minute, Ashraf shared the ball with a passer-by on the right and made a back pass. Brandt opened his bow and shot the ball, and the ball was higher than the goal.

At half time, Dortmund 0-0 Paderborn.

In the second half, we played again on the other side. The camera showed Dortmund's substitute players, all wearing masks and keeping a safe distance.

In the 48th minute, Paderborn swept the ball in front of the goal, and the eager Antway Ajay and Mamba collided, unable to form a shot

In the 49th minute, Guerrero crossed on the left side of the road. Dortmund did not stop the ball at two points. Ashraf at the back pushed and shot, and Ziegler blocked the ball with his legs.

In the 52nd minute, Dortmund hit a quick counter attack. After Sancho burst into the restricted area with the ball, little Azar poked in front of the door and the ball rubbed the column out of the baseline.

Dortmund broke the deadlock in the 54th minute! Zhan broke into the restricted area on the left side of the road and made a pass. Ziegler pounced on the ball and Azar easily made up the shot to break the goal! Dortmund 1-0 Paderborn!

In the 57th minute, Dortmund takes another city! Brandt burst into the restricted area with the ball and then passed through. Sanqiao easily pushed and shot the goal! Dortmund 2-0 Paderborn!

In the 62nd minute, Selbeni used a free kick to volley in front of the goal, but the linesman said that the ball was offside first and the goal was invalid.

The 71st minute, Zhan handball fouled and was awarded a penalty by the referee! Hunemeyer achieved it in one move! Dortmund 2-1 Paderborn!

In the 74th minute, Dortmund again expanded his leading edge to two goals! Little Azar passed back on the left side of the road in the inverted triangle, and Sancho made a slight adjustment after he got the ball and shot in the pocket! Dortmund 3-1 Padbourne!

In the 85th minute, Dortmund scored the fourth goal of the game! Schmelzer assists, Ashraf shoots low! Dortmund 4-1 Paderborn!

In the 89th minute, Dortmund's two substitutes finished the goal together! Witsell crosses from the right and Schmelzer scores! Dortmund 5-1 Paderborn!

In the 91st minute, Sancho completed a hat trick! Dortmund hit back quickly, and Sancho calmly pushed and shot Ziegler to break the goal! Dortmund 6-1 Paderborn!

After the battle, Dortmund defeated Paderborn 6-1 with a hat trick by Sancho and two "one pass and one shot" by Azar and Schmelzer.

Both lineups

Dortmund starting (3-4-3):

1 - Burki/26 - Pishchak, 15 - Humeles, 16 - Akangi/5 - Ashraf (87'18 - Balerdi), 6 - Delaney (69'28 - Vitessel), 27 - Zhan (87'22 - Morey), 13 - Guerrero (80'32 - Reina), 7 - Sancho, 19 - Brandt (80'29 - Schmelzer), 23 - Little Azar

Substitute missing: 35 Hitz, 33 Frisch, 10 Getzer, 37 Rush

Paderborn starts (5-3-2):

17 Ziegler/25 Draig, 2 Huenemel, 5 Strodic, 13 Shawau, 29 Corinth/22 Antevi Ajay (82 '32 Yaschenbuski), 39 Vassiliadis, 38 Holtman (75' 9 - Proger)/30 Mamba (65 '31 Zolinsky), 18 Silbeni (65' 11 Michel)

Substitute not playing: 26 Evans, 20 Youngs, 19 Sabri, 7 Ritter, 21 Huth

(Wen/Lao Xu)

Editor in charge: Bastie
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