Bundesliga - Bayern 5-0 Dusseldorf Paval creates two goals, and Levan makes a double flat record

02:19:24, May 31, 2020 PP Sports | haoy17

At 00:30 am on May 31 (Beijing time), the 29th round of the Bundesliga focused on Bayern Munich vs. Dusseldorf at home. In the first half, Paval made an own goal and a header to break the goal. One man made two goals alone, and Muller assisted Levian to break the goal. In the second half, Lewandowski scored the 43rd goal in all competitions of this season, equalling the best record of a single season in his career. Then Davis added the icing on the cake and scored another goal. Finally, Bayern beat Dusseldorf 5-0 at home.

Competition highlights

Goal Review

15 'Zanka (Wulong)

29 'Paval

43 'Lewandowski

50 'Lewandowski

52 'Davis

Competition process

In the fourth minute, Kalaman suddenly stopped on the right side of the road and turned around, then passed back from the inverted triangle. Morales fired angrily at the ball, and Neuer held the ball firmly.

In the sixth minute, Kimihi jumped into the restricted area after the front court steal, Lewandowski entered the restricted area anti offside, and Kastenmeyer attacked in time to defuse the threat.

In the 13th minute, the camera was shown in the grandstand, and Beckenbauer's distinctive protection method was dazzling.

In the 15th minute, Mueller flicked the ball from the front of the restricted area to the back, and Genabri knocked the middle without stopping the ball. Paval pushed the ball in front of the goal, and the ball hit Zanka's leg and bounced into the goal! Bayern Munich 1-0 Dusseldorf!

In the 28th minute, Lewandowski pulled a right cross from the side, Muller shot in the middle, and Kastenmeyer flew the ball out of the bottom line.

In the 29th minute, Kimihi's right corner kick opened into the restricted area. Paval jumped high in the crowd and hit the goal with a powerful header. The ball bounced in front of the goal and flew into the goal! Bayern Munich 2-0 Dusseldorf!

In the 38th minute, Gnabri suddenly accelerated to cut inside with the ball on the left and connected several people, then turned and shot higher than the beam.

In the 43rd minute, Lewan's heel in front of the restricted area went straight into the restricted area. Kimihi and Muller attracted defenders in the restricted area and then made a continuous inverted triangle return pass. Lewan followed up and understood with ease! Bayern Munich 3-0 Dusseldorf!

In the 48th minute, Koman left the way straight into the restricted area. Alaba led the ball, turned around and shot at the far corner from a small angle. Castenmeyer saved the ball sideways.

In the 50th minute, Koeman hung the ball to the right in the restricted area. Genabri got the ball across the middle, and Lewandowski scored with a flower in front of the door! Bayern Munich 4-0 Dusseldorf!

In the 52nd minute, Davis broke into the Longtan restricted area alone after stealing on the line. After three people had passed in the restricted area, he calmly pushed and shot Castenmeyer to break the door! Bayern Munich 5-0 Dusseldorf!

In the 56th minute, the Duesseldorf guard's header was not far away, Paval followed up the long-range shooting volley, and Kastenmeyer flew to save the ball.

In the 63rd minute, Davis crossed the restricted area to break through Dusseldorf's defense line, and Muller stopped and volleyed the ball high.

In the 65th minute, Dusseldorf's left corner kick entered the restricted area, and the first point was cleared by Bayern players, and the second point was Giselman's volley with an arrow outside the restricted area. The ball bounced in front of the door and was saved sideways by Neuer.

In the 70th minute, Gnabri took the ball into the restricted area and shot low at the far corner. Kastenmeyer quickly went down to save the ball.

After 90 minutes, the score remained unchanged, and Bayern easily won 5-0 points to lead the championship.

Both lineups

Bayern start:

1 - Neuer/5 - Parvall (62 '2 - O'Driosola), 21 - Lucas Hernandez (46' 11 - Trasance), 27 - Alaba, 19 - Alfonso Davis/32 - Kimish, 18 - Gretska/29 - Koman (62 '14 - Pericic), 25 - Muller (75' 35 - Zierkze), 22 - Gnabri (78 '34 - Mayer)/9 - Levandovsky

Substitutes not playing: 26 Ulrich, 8 Harvey Martinez, 17 Boateng, 28 Singh

Dusseldorf starts:

33 Kastenmeyer/3 Hoffman, 23 Giselman, 19 Zanka, 25 Zimmerman (66 '39 Zimmer)/13 Bozek, 15 Eric Tommy (66' 29 Sutner), 6 Morales (57 '31 Sobotka) (73' 18 Praeder retired from injury), 22 Stoger (57 '10 Berisha), 20 Skozibsky/11 Karaman

Substitutes not playing: 1 - Rensing, 14 - Auffrey, 28 - Hennings, 32 - Bormut

Editor in charge: Anakin SW
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