Bundesliga - Bayern 1-0 away win over Dortkimish Immortal ball overhead shot to break the goal Harland was injured and retired

02:20:46, May 27, 2020 PP Sports | haoy17

At 00:30 am on May 27, Beijing time, the 28th round of the Bundesliga was the focus game. Dortmund played Bayern Munich at home. In the first half, Harland missed a good opportunity. Boateng and Pishcek contributed to the goal line to clear the encirclement. At the last moment, Kimihi shot from the outside of the restricted area to break the net. In the second half, Harland was injured and retired, and neither side could rewrite the score. In the end, Bayern Munich won a 1-0 victory over Dortmund away from home and scored three crucial points on the road to the championship.

Competition highlights

[Bundesliga - Kimihi World Polewan Pillar Bayern away 1-0 more than 7 points lead the Bundesliga]

Game data

Goal Review

43 'Kimihi

Competition process

Before the game, the players of both sides held a moment of silence for the people who died because of the New Champions League epidemic. The words of mourning and change of heart were printed on Dortmund's home screen in Chinese.

In the first minute of the game, Brent went straight into the middle of the field, and Little Azar pushed forward at high speed. Neuer went out of the restricted area in time to get the ball out. Noyle's clearance was not far away. Harland took the ball and shot through Noyle's wicket from a long distance in the corner of the right restricted area. Boateng cleared the ball on the line.

In the 10th minute, Little Azar passed back from the right side in an inverted triangle. Harland stopped to hit the goal, which was blocked by Bayern guards. Ashraf volleyed and kicked. Little Azar got the ball from the right side to the middle of the goal, and Dot player headed the ball into the goal, but Little Azar's offside first goal was invalid.

In the 19th minute, Koeman's cross in the restricted area pierced Dot's defense line, and Genabri turned and volleyed at a small angle, and Pishcek blocked the ball from the goal line.

In the 24th minute, Gnabri crossed from the front court to the right. Koeman took the ball into the restricted area and shot at the near corner. Bulky saved the ball sideways, but Muller failed to touch the ball.

In the 31st minute, Little Azar swept in front of the door on the right, Haland was in the middle of the road to outflank the point, and Alaba was the first to save the ball.

In the 40th minute, Dorte's players headed the ball and not far away. Gretzka shot at the ball with his bow and arrow, and Bulky hit the ball with his fists.

In the 43rd minute, Bayern continued to cooperate in front of the restricted area. Koeman returned, and Kimihi suddenly shot a cold arrow from the far corner of the crowd. Bulky was unprepared and failed to hit the ball out of the goal! Dortmund 0-1 Bayern Munich!

In the 49th minute, Dahood came to the restricted area with the ball, stopped suddenly and turned to pass Kimihi's defense, then the heavy artillery bombarded the goal, and Neuer firmly held the ball in his arms.

In the 53rd minute, Koeman crossed from the right, Lewandowski outflanked the ball, and Bulky hit the ball with a single punch from the side.

In the 54th minute, Gretzka hit the wall with Muller before the restricted area. Gretzka shot low at the far corner, and Bulky quickly went down to save the ball.

In the 58th minute, Dortmund shifted the ball to the left in front of the restricted area. Little Azar crossed across the restricted area, and Harland shot with a burst shot. The ball hit the fallen Boateng and deflected from the far post.

In the 75th minute, Dortmund got a free kick opportunity in front of the restricted area. Guerrero took the lead to shoot a heavy gun, and the ball was firmly held by Neuer after passing the human wall.

In the 80th minute, before reaching the top of the arc, Dahood received his teammate to shoot back with a sudden cold arrow, and Neuer hit the ball with a light single fist.

In the 83rd minute, there was no one to mark before Levan came to the restricted area with the ball. The left column popped up when he rubbed his left foot and shot, and Bulky failed to touch the ball when he flew to save.

Both lineups

Dortmund starting (5-4-1):

1 - Burki/13 - Guerrero, 16 - Akanji, 15 - Humeles, 26 - Pishcek (80 '10 - Getzer), 5 - Ashraf/6 - Delaney (46' 27 - Emre Zhan), 8 - Dahud (85 '28 - Wetsel), 19 - Brandt (46' 7 - Sancho), 23 - Little Azar/17 - Harland (72 '32 - Rene).

The unused substitutes: 35 Hitz, 22 Morey, 18 Bareldi, 29 Schmelzer.

Bayern Munich first round (4-2-3-1):

1 - Neuer/5 - Paval, 27 - Alaba, 17 - Boateng (85 '21 - Lucas Hernandez), 19 - Davis/32 - Kimish, 18 - Gretska, 29 - Komang (73' 14 - Pericic), 25 - Muller, 22 - Gnabri (87 '8 - Martinez)/9 - Levandovsky.

Substitutes not playing: 26 Ulrich, 2 Odri Osola, 11 Qusansi, 34 Mayer, 33 Mayer, 35 Zierkeze.


Editor in charge: Leng Junbu's nickname is occupied
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