Bundesliga Bayern 5-2 Frankfurt Muller's double shot of Sintereg+own goal

May 24, 2020 02:21:42 PP Sports | Bastie

At 00:30 a.m. on May 24 (Beijing time), the 27th round of the German Bundesliga 2019-2020 season began. Bayern, the German giants, played Frankfurt at home. In the first half of the game, Gretzka scored a volley in the restricted area, and Muller scored the second goal of Bayern Munich at the end of the half. In the second half of the game, Levan scored after receiving the assist header from Koman, and Sintereg scored twice. Davis used the opponent's error to volley in the restricted area, and Genabri's cushion shot caused Sintereg's own goal. At the end of the game, Bayern scored three points by beating Frankfurt 5-2 at home.

All the highlights:

[German Bundesliga - Muller Davies scored great achievements in both passes, and Levian broke Bayern 5-2 Frankfurt]

Game data:

Goal Review:

17 'Gretzka

41 'Muller

46 'Levandovsky

52 'Sintreger

56 'Sintreger

61 'Davis

74 'Sintereg (Oolong)

Competition process:

In the fourth minute, Silva broke the ball from the foot of Kimihi in the front court and hit the Bayern defender with a long shot.

In the 8th minute, Kimihi took the left corner kick and drove to the front. Mueller headed the ball back and was cleared by the Frankfurt players.

In the 11th minute, Kimihi took the left corner kick. He hit the ground before the corner kick and then came to Levian's feet. The latter's explosive shot hit the beam and popped up.

In the 12th minute, Gretzka was sent to the restricted area from the top of the midfield, and Pericic was confiscated after he inserted a shot on the ground.

In the 14th minute, Paval received a header from his teammate's right cross in the middle of the restricted area, and the ball hit the goalkeeper.

In the 17th minute, Muller made an inverted triangle pass near the left baseline in the restricted area, Gretzka followed up and scored a volley, Bayern Munich 1-0 Frankfurt.

In the 24th minute, Kimihi made a long shot 15 meters in front of the restricted area, and the ball hit the right column and flew out of the baseline.

In the 33rd minute, Sintereg shot from the left in front of the restricted area, and the ball was higher than the goal.

In the 37th minute, when Alaba shot from a distance outside the restricted area, Trapp held the ball out of the baseline.

In the 41st minute, Davis made a 45 degree cross on the left side of the front court. After stopping in Muller's restricted area, he shot a volley to score, and Bayern 2-0 Frankfurt.

In the 46th minute, the cross on the right side of Koeman's restricted area, the header in the middle of Levian's restricted area, the ball into the net, Bayern 3-0 Frankfurt.

In the 52nd minute, the right corner kick from Frankfurt came out, and the ball came to Hintreg's side. The latter volleyed in the air, and the ball entered the net. Frankfurt pulled back a city, 1-3 Bayern Munich.

In the 55th minute, the right corner of Frankfurt opened to the front point, and Sintereg headed the goal, the ball flew into the goal, and Frankfurt 2-3 Bayern Munich.

In the 61st minute, Davis took the ball to the left side of the restricted area and cut in horizontally. The ball was intercepted by the Frankfurt player, but then Davis used the opponent's mistake to volley and score in the restricted area. Bayern 4-2 Frankfurt.

In the 68th minute, Gazinovic shot a long shot in the middle of the restricted area when nobody was defending, and Neuer fell to the ground and saved the ball magically.

In the 74th minute, Genabri took the ball from the left side of the restricted area and shot it. The ball hit Singer and flew into the goal. Bayern 5-2 Frankfurt.

In the 83rd minute, Costic carried the ball to the front court after holding the ball in the midfield. The left side of the restricted area volleyed and the ball hit the right column.

Both teams:

Bayern starts as follows (4-2-3-1):

1 - Neuer/5 - Paval, 17 - Boateng (73'21 - Hernandez), 27 - Alaba, 19 - Davis/32 - Kimish, 18 - Gretzka/29 - Koeman, 25 - Muller, 14 - Pericic (64'22 - Gnabri)/9 - Levandovsky

Substitutes: 26 Ulrich, 2 O'Driosola, 8 Martinez, 11 Trasance, 21 Hernandez, 22 Gnabri, 33 Mai, 34 Batista Maier, 35 Zilkze

Frankfurt starter (4-2-3-1):

1 - Trapp/2 - Ndika (46'22 - Chandler), 18 - Toure, 13 - Sintereg/24 - Da Costa (76'8 - Sau), 5 - Fernandez, 3 - Ilsanke, 17 - Rode (71'8 - Sau), 10 - Costic/11 - Gazinovic (76'15 - Kamata Land), 33 - Silva (76'9 - Dorst)

Substitutes: 32 Ronnov, 6 De Guzman, 8 Sau, 9 Dorst, 15 Kamadada, 16 Toro, 20 Hasegawa, 22 Chandler, 25 Durm


Editor in charge: Bastie
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