UEFA requires all members to submit the rematch plan before May 25 to assess the possibility of the restart of the European war

19:38:38, April 28, 2020 PP Sports | PP Users

According to Sky Sports, UEFA has notified its major leagues today to submit their recovery plans before May 25, and will hold a meeting on May 27 to discuss the possibility of the resumption of the European competition. The scheme shall include the restart date of the competition and the relevant competition form.

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The notice also requires the league that has been terminated (such as Netherlands) to disclose the list of European teams for the next season to all members, and explain the "special reasons for the termination of the league" encountered. The possibility of resuming the Champions League and UEFA Cup this season will be finally decided at the UEFA conference two days later.

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Timetable for semi-finals of some leagues:

The Premier League: it is planned to play the second round in June;

Soviet Union: The meeting will be held this afternoon local time to discuss the results of the Soviet Union;

Serie A: re training on May 18, and re match in June;

Bundesliga: If approved, the match will resume on May 9;

Netherlands A: The season has been cancelled, and the results of this season are invalid;

Responsible editor: PP user
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