CEO of Bundesliga: ready to restart the league on May 9, but the government still needs to make a final decision

April 23, 2020 20:55:40 PP Sports | GOULA

[The Bundesliga said it was ready to restart the league and made a detailed plan]

On April 23, Beijing time, the CEO of the Bundesliga League Seiffert held a press conference. At the press conference, he said that the Bundesliga was ready to restart, but it was up to the government to decide when to restart.

Seiffert said at the press conference: "Restarting the Bundesliga is the only way we know to keep the Bundesliga and Bundesliga alive. The government department is the organization that finally decides when to restart the league. We cannot make a final decision. However, the Bundesliga League hopes to restart the league as soon as possible. We are ready to restart the league on May 9, but if the government does not approve, we are also ready to restart later. "

Seiffert also confirmed the preparations made by the Bundesliga for restarting the league. He said that if the Bundesliga were restarted, all games would still be played empty, and the number of relevant personnel in each game would not exceed 280. He also said that players will be tested for COVID-19 every week, but the resources occupied will not exceed 0.4% of the number of domestic tests in Germany. At present, 640000 tests of COVID-19 virus can be carried out every week in Germany, which means that the Bundesliga can test 2560 times at most every week.

In addition, Seiffert also said that after the league resumed, fans should not gather outside the stadium, which may lead to the termination or cancellation of the game.

It is worth mentioning that Seiffert confirmed at the press conference that all the players infected with the virus had recovered.

Previously, some media reported that the Bundesliga League had drawn up a series of plans to restart the Bundesliga, and they expected to resume the Bundesliga game on May 9 or 16.

Related reading

German Bundesliga restart plan was exposed: all players were tested for nucleic acid in three sets of opening plans

It is reported that on April 30, German Chancellor Angela Merkel will hold a government meeting with the governors of each state. There will probably be a clear resolution on whether and when the Bundesliga will start.

Editor in charge: GOULA
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