German media: There may be no championship or demotion in the Bundesliga this season. Next season, 22 teams will participate

08:15:14, March 13, 2020 PP Sports | Understand the World

Due to the impact of the epidemic, the Bundesliga is likely to end early after this round. The Cologne Express, a media in Cologne, Germany, said that the Bundesliga might not have championship teams or demoted teams this season, but would expand from 18 teams to 22 teams next season.

Cologne Express said that under the current circumstances, Germany is likely to cancel all major events next week. The German Football Association and the German Football League Association will also consider canceling all the remaining matches of this season. It is reported that the German Football Association and the German Football League Association are seriously considering this possibility and have conducted in-depth exchanges. Next week representatives of the Bundesliga and the Bundesliga will discuss and make a final decision.

One possibility now is that this season's Bundesliga has no final champion. It is not clear whether the semi-finals and finals of the German Cup will continue.

In addition, this season's Bundesliga may not have demoted teams, and next season's Bundesliga may expand from the current 18 teams to 22. The top four teams in the Bundesliga will be eligible for promotion. In this case, the last four places in the Bundesliga next season will also be directly demoted, and the last five places will participate in the upgrade and demotion play offs. At present, the top four teams in the German second division are Bielefeld, Stuttgart, Hamburg and Heidenheim.

The determination of the European seats will be based on the current ranking of the Bundesliga teams.

At the same time, it is reported that there is another possibility that the German league will restart after being postponed for about three weeks.

Editor in charge: Valamella
The above content does not represent PP sports viewpoint
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