Heaven falls to the ground in 6 minutes! The excellent side hook is hard to get the whole team to put on a bad performance. The shooter is not worthy of Obamejan

08:59:32, February 28, 2020 PP Sports | Boiling water without temperature

The goal was conceded. In extra time, Arsenal was scored by Olympiacos in the final goal in 119 minutes, and the team collapsed out of the Europa League this season. From disappointment to excitement and then to despair, Aubameyang tasted the passion and cruelty of competitive sports in 6 minutes, and the content of the game further highlighted the embarrassment of the gunmen on the offensive side.

The gunmen took the absolute advantage of winning the first leg away from home, but their performance in this battle with the whole main team was very unsatisfactory. In the whole first half of the game, the team only completed three shots and all missed the target. In 120 minutes, though the gunman completed 19 shots, only 4 shots were fired, which still could not support the expectation of promotion.

How to define inefficient attack?

Nicolas Pepe completed 12 horrible crosses in 120 minutes (10 in 90 minutes), but even so, he only sent out one threatening pass. It can be said that his game was completely immersed in personal operation, and he did not form effective cooperation with his teammates.

In the second half of the game, Pepe made a pass after he got the ball from the right side, but when his teammates in the middle were waiting for cake delivery, he chose to smash the ball to play tricks on the opposing defender, which was finally resolved by the defensive players.

What about Lakazet, who is good at scoring at home? Continuous waste of scoring opportunities. In this game, he only had two shooting opportunities, but he lost all of them. The most regrettable thing was that in the 80th minute of the game, the opponent's defense line made a mistake, and Lakazette got a chance near the line of the restricted area, but his shot flew high and wide to the stands.

For the first time since the match against Rome in 2009, the Gunners entered the extra time struggle in the European War.

At this time, it is still Aubameyang who supports Arsenal's hopes for promotion. In the 112th minute of extra time, he completed a difficult barbed shot in the restricted area, and the ball went straight into the net. After the goal, Meiyangyang expressed her depression in the way of roaring to the sky. On him, Arsenal finally saw the dawn of promotion.

Pepe was trapped in a personal struggle, and Lakazette felt no sense of shooting. The only thing that made the team see the hope of promotion was perhaps Aubameyang... It was a bit cruel, but this was the true portrayal of the attack end of the game of the Gunners.

However, the opponent performed a miracle before the end of extra time. The gunman's defense made a mistake for the second time and was scored a winner by the opponent. At this time, Aubameyang seemed extremely lonely. When the referee blew the whistle at the end of the game, the camera focused on the Gabonese striker. His impassive expression is really heartbreaking.

[Postgame appearance: Obamaeyang misses the winning shot and wants to cry without tears. The visiting team players run around to celebrate]

We can't help thinking that the contract between Aubameyang and the team will expire next summer. With the continuous transfer rumors and the elimination of the European Union, it may increase the possibility of his leaving the team when he is in his thirties.

Editor in charge: I am fourteen
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