Soho's press conference: Praise Iharo+respond to Harland's scandal; Master Laa may miss the European Cup

February 20, 2020 02:14:10 PP Sports | lou

In the early morning of February 20, Beijing time, at Manchester United's pre Europa League press conference, Solskjaer talked about the recovery of Rushford and Bogba, and whether Iharlow would get a starting chance, and also responded to the question about missing Harland in the winter window. At 1:55 in the morning of February 21, the first round of the European Union 1/16 final, Manchester United will play Bruges away.

Will Iharo start?

"Considering all the games to be played next, we will have to rotate. He is one of the people who may win the first round. We have not made a final decision yet."

Is the loan of Iharo a temporary measure? Has he adapted to the team's tactics?

"Iharo is a striker of different types. He is a striker. We have seen his performance in training. He knows how to play the center. He is very professional and excellent. We hope he can improve his condition, because he has not played for some time. After regular training, he needs to do some additional training. We need to play him as often as possible, and I'm sure he will make a difference. "

About Rushford's back injury

"I hope he can recover before the end of this season. Recovery takes time, I am not a doctor. I can only hope that he can recover faster than expected. He will certainly continue to be absent for several months. If his recovery is not ideal, he will miss the European Cup."

About Bogbar

"He hasn't trained with the team yet. It's a long time before he returns."

After Manchester City was suspended from the European game, do you still tell the players to focus on fighting for four instead of five?

"At this moment, we are talking about the European Union, which is an event we dream of winning. We must improve our performance and stability. If we can qualify, we will have a chance."

Do you regret missing Harland at the winter window?

"I don't usually comment on such issues, but I have coached him before, and I am happy for him. He is an excellent boy, and his opening performance in Dortmund is incredible. For the Norwegian national team, we have a striker who can score goals, which is great."

[Bruges vs Manchester United look forward: Red Devils can't afford to lose away from home if they get good results in attracting aid.]

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