Conti: Losing Lazio doesn't have to be too frustrating. I have to learn English again to communicate with Eriksson

February 20, 2020 01:32:42 PP Sports | Han Yang Tsubasa

In the early morning of February 21, Beijing time, in the first round of the Europa League 1/16 final, Inter Milan will challenge Ludo Gorez away. Before the game, Conte attended the press conference and received interviews from the media.

——Current status of the team

"Our team is very good and will treat the game with a correct attitude. At the Rome Olympic Stadium (against Lazio), the team performed very well, but did not achieve good results, so we don't need to be negative. Lazio is one of the best teams in Serie A, and it's a pity to let them score two goals. We need to improve our performance. Now we have to face another game. We hope to leave a good impression on the fans. We should respect the game. "

——What kind of team do fans want to see?

"There will definitely be rotation, which is inevitable, because we have a lot of games to give some players opportunities, which they deserve. The competition is fierce."


"I am learning English again (perhaps to communicate with him). I see that the outside world has created too much anxiety atmosphere, and we are calm. Each team needs to improve themselves, and we need everyone to make progress, so that the whole team can benefit."


"Ludogrez is still an excellent team. They have participated in European competitions. They are ranked second in the league and have just won a 6-0 victory. We must make our best efforts. We have studied the advantages and disadvantages of our opponents."


"He has been out of action for three months due to injury and is now ready to play. He has not participated in many games in the past two years, so he must find a suitable physical condition to keep up with the rhythm of the team."

——B Luo and Shkrinyar

"Brozovic has stayed in Milan. He has a problem with his ankle. He has been training alone for the past two days. In addition, Shkriniar has also missed the recent games. He will not play tomorrow. I would rather let him stay in Italy. Tomorrow I will decide the starting line-up."

Editor in charge: Han Yang Tsubasa
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