Overview of the Europa League: Manchester United's victory over the gunman, guest Ping Wulei, enters the Western Conference after losing

December 13, 2019 06:25:39 PP Sports | Little Sun

In the early morning of December 13, Beijing time, the last round of the Europa League group match of 2019/20 season was over. The Spaniard still advanced after a small loss with one goal at home. Wu Lei came on as a substitute. Manchester United won four goals at home and walked out with his head held high. Menxing was turned back and failed to advance. The following is a detailed overview.

Manchester United 4-0 Alkmaar

In the 52nd minute, Matic pushed Mata straight, Mata knocked horizontally, Ashley Young scored from a small angle, and United led 1-0. In the 57th minute, Greenwood exploded outside the restricted area to expand the score. In the 60th minute, Greenwood rushed to the other side's restricted area and was fouled. The referee awarded a penalty kick and Marta scored a penalty shot. In the 63rd minute, Mata went straight to Green Wood, who adjusted his shot to lock the score to 4-0. United reached the last 32 of the Europa League with 13 points, while Alkmaar was the second in the group.

Spanish 0-1 Moscow Central Army

In the eighth minute, Campaigner spilled blood on the field. In the 46th minute, Wu Lei came on as a substitute for Kampueno. In the 72nd minute, Magnuson made up his defense and brought down Wu Lei to get a yellow card. In the 73rd minute, Wu Lei took the ball to pass the defender and cut into the restricted area. His volley was blocked by the goalkeeper. In the 83rd minute, Fernandes knocked horizontally, and Flamic caught the ball in the right side of the restricted area, turned and volleyed to break the goal. The Spaniard finally lost 1-0 to the Central Army, but still advanced to the top of the group.

Standard Liege 2-2 Arsenal

In the 47th minute, Bastian's long-range shot changed the line and scored. Standard Liege 1-0 Arsenal. In the 68th minute, Amara scored to enlarge the score. In the 78th minute, Lakazette scored a header and Arsenal pulled back a goal. In the 80th minute, Saka and Martinelli collided with each other and scored from the far corner on the left side. Standard Liege 2-2 Arsenal. In the end, the Gunners ranked first with 11 points.

Rome 2-2 Wolfsberg

In the fourth minute, Dzeko set up a point, and Perrotti made a penalty hit. Roma took a 1-0 lead. In the 10th minute, Florence accidentally set his own goal and Wolfsberg equalized the score. In the 18th minute, Perrotti assisted Dzeko to break the goal, and Roma took the lead again. In the 63rd minute, Wiseman dived a header to score 2-2. Rome, which was drawn, finally entered the top 32 as the second place in the group.

Wolves 4-0 Besiktas

In the 57th minute, Pedro Neto assisted Ruota to break the deadlock. In the 63rd minute, Ruota helped the team expand the score. In the 67th minute, Mutinho assisted Deng Dongke to score. In the 68th minute, Oubul assisted Ruota to complete a hat trick and Wolves won 4-0. In Group F, Wolves reached the last 32 of the Europa League with the second place in the group.

Karabakh 1-1 Dudelange

In the 46th minute, Galayev got the second yellow card for his foul and was sent off. Karabakh responded with 10 people. In the 63rd minute, Burglin scored for Didronge to break the deadlock. In the first minute of injury stoppage time, Romero assisted Guy to draw the opponent. In the end, both teams were out.

Greek Athletics 1-0 Seville

In the 57th minute, Seville's Dabul penalty was saved and missed the scoring opportunity. In the 61st minute, Matic assisted Savage to break the goal, and the Greek Athletic defeated Seville 1-0 at home, successfully reaching the last 32 of the Europa League.

Copenhagen 0-1 Malmo

In the 77th minute, Copenhagen defender Papagiannupoulos scored an own goal, which was also the only goal of the game. Due to another Dynamo Kiev draw with Lugano, both teams entered the knockout phase.

Dynamo Kiev 1-1 Lugano

In the 45th minute, Dalmont assisted Alatore to break the deadlock. In the 94th minute, Sitaishvili assisted Zigankov to break the goal successfully, and finally Dynamo Kiev drew with Lugano. However, the two teams each scored 7 points and 3 points, and they were all out of the last 32 of the Europa League.

Basel 2-0 Trabzong Sports

Wilmer scored in the 21st minute, helping Basel lead Trabzonspor 1-0. In the 72nd minute, Stoker helped Basel to expand the score, and finally Basel beat Trabzonspor 2-0 to advance to the last 32 of the Europa League with the first place in the group. Trabzong sports ranked the bottom out.

Getafe 3-0 Krasnodar

In the 76th minute, Haimei Mata assisted Kafrela to score the first goal, Hetafei 1-0 Krasnodar. In the 78th minute, Enjom assisted Molina to score, and Hetafi 2-0 Krasnodar. In the 86th minute, Timor passed Kennedy to lock the score to 3-0. Getafe pushed his opponent into the knockout stage as the second in the group.

Linz 3-0 Portugal Sports

In the 23rd minute, Mishauer helped Trauna to break the goal, and Linz took a 1-0 lead. In the 34th minute, Ribeiro was sent off directly by the referee when he was shown a red card. Portugal sports was one less player. In the 38th minute, Klaus took a penalty to enlarge the score. In the 93rd minute, Holland Edu assisted Ragucci to lock the score to 3-0. In the end, Linz surpassed Portugal Sports in ranking, and advanced to the top of the group, while Portugal Sports Group came out second.

Eindhoven 1-1 Rosenberg

In the 22nd minute, Herran took the lead in scoring and Rosenberg took a 1-0 lead. In the 63rd minute, Gakpo assisted Ihatalan to equalize the score, and finally the two teams fought 1-1, both of them were eliminated.

Cluj 2-0 Celtics

In the 48th minute, De Yake assisted Bulka to break the goal, and Cluj 1-0 Celtics. In the 70th minute, De Yake helped Jokovic score again, and Kluge 2-0 Celtics. In the end, Kluge Group came out second and Celtic Group advanced to the top.

Rennes 2-0 Lazio

In the 30th minute, Boe headed back to the restricted area, and Nyaninon turned around to smash the goal, Rene 1-0 Lazio. In the 87th minute, Nyaninon made up a goal and Ryan locked the score 2-0 to win. This victory is their first win in the Europa League this season, and both teams are out.

Frankfurt 2-3 Guimarance

In the eighth minute, Pereira assisted Rochnia to break the deadlock, and Guimaraes took a 1-0 lead. In the 31st minute, Da Costa pulled back the score. In the 38th minute, Costic assisted the Japanese player Kamada Dadi to reverse the score, and Frankfurt took a 2-1 lead. In the 85th minute, Rodriguez assisted Mohammed to equalize the score. In the 87th minute, Rodriguez once again assisted Edwards to defeat Frankfurt. Frankfurt reached the last 32 of the Europa League with the second place in the group, and Guimarance was not qualified.

Porto 3-2 Feyenoord

In the 14th minute, Rice assisted Dias to score the first goal and Porto took a 1-0 lead. Just one minute later, Feyenoord defender Malacharon scored, and Porto expanded its advantage 2-0. In the 19th minute, Kokku assisted Bertkin to win back. In the 22nd minute, Malacha atoned for his sins and assisted the marathon to equalize the score. In the 33rd minute, Suarez scored to lock the score to 3-2. The winning Porto advanced to the top of the group and Feyenoord came bottom.

Glasgow Rangers 1-1 Young People

In the 30th minute, Morelos scored and Rangers led 1-0. In the 89th minute, Fasnacht equalized the score. In the end, Rangers were promoted to the second place in the group by Porto, and the young man was out regretfully.

Ludogeretz 1-1 Ferrenzvaros

In the 24th minute, Marcelinio assisted Lukoki to break the goal, and Ludogeretz took the lead 1-0. In the 91st minute, Shkvarka assisted Sgnevic to break the goal, and the score was locked at 1-1. In the end, Ludogretz pushed his opponent into the last 32 of the Europa League as the second place in the group.

Wolfsburg 1-0 Saint Etienne

In the 52nd minute, Brecarlo assisted Otavio to score the only goal of the game. Wolfsburg defeated Saint Etienne 1-0, and advanced to the last 32 of the Europa League as a group. Saint Etienne, however, failed to win one game and was ranked third out.

Ghent 2-1 Alexandria

In the seventh minute, Bessus assisted Deputre to score, and Ghent led 1-0. In the 16th minute, Bessus once again assisted Deputre to break the goal, and the score expanded to 2-0. In the 54th minute, Bezborodko assisted Miroshniko to lock the score to 2-1. The winner, Ghent, advanced to the knockout stage with the first place in the group.

Menchengladbach 1-2 Istanbul

In the 33rd minute, Lena assisted Marcus Thuram to score and Menxing took a 1-0 lead. In the 44th minute, Clichy assisted Havich to equalize the score. In the 92nd minute, Cleverley scored a winner. Istanbul scored 2 points to advance to the last 32 of the Europa League with the first place in the group, while Menxing was ranked third.

Bratislava 2-4 Braga

In the 42nd minute, Daniel assisted Shepolar to break the goal, and Bradis made a 1-0 lead. In the 44th minute, Trincan assisted Fengte to equalize the score. In the 70th minute, Shipolar assisted Larsala to surpass the score again, and in the 72nd minute, Esgayo assisted Trinkang to equalize the score. In the 75th minute, Borzhkov scored an own goal and Braga took a 3-2 lead. In the 93rd minute, Fran Sergio assisted Paolinio to lock the score to 2-4. Braga, the winner, was promoted to the top of the group.

Belgrade Guerrilla 4-1 Astana

In the fourth minute, Sumach scored and Belgrade guerrillas took a 1-0 lead. In the 22nd minute, Tosic assisted Sadik to expand the score. In the 26th minute, Sadik assisted Tomo Asano to rewrite the score to 3-0. In the 76th minute, Asano's auxiliary attack expanded to 4-0. The 79th minute, Pavlovic's own goal helped Astana recover a city. (Little Sun)

Editor in charge: Anakin SW
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