The official candidate for the best player of the round of the Chinese Super League: Oscar, Fabio and Wei Shihao on the list

15:56:40, May 27, 2024

After the 14th round of the Chinese Super League ended, the Chinese Super League officially announced the best player candidate list of this round, led by Oscar, with Wei Shihao, Fabio Abreu, Cresan and Kanggua among them.

The official 14th round best player candidate of CSL

Cresan Taishan, Shandong, one goal, one assist, three shots, two shots and three opportunities

Kanggua Qingdao Manatee: 1 ball, 1 assist, 4 shots, 2 shots and 3 opportunities

Fabio Abreu, Beijing Guoan, 2 goals, 1 assist, 3 shots, 3 shots and 1 chance

Wei Shihao, Chengdu Rongcheng, 2 balls, 8 shots, 2 shots and 1 chance

Oscar Shanghai Harbor 3 balls, 11 shots, 5 shots and 12 chances

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