Everyone: Kimihi rejected Barcelona's offer, and it was difficult for Barcelona to match its annual salary of 19.5 million euros

15:56:30, May 27, 2024

According to the Daily Sports News, Kimihi rejected Barcelona's offer, which did not meet the players' expectations.

According to the report, if Kimihi is Harvey's priority target, so is he for the new Barcelona coach Frick. Frick will appear as the new Barcelona coach this week. He worked with Kimihi in the German national team and Bayern Munich. Frick needs such a player very much.

At present, there have been some contacts between the two sides, but due to differences between the offer made by Barcelona Club and the economic requirements of Kimihi, the negotiations are at a standstill.

According to different sources, the current annual salary of Kimihi is about 19.5 million euros (before tax), which is difficult to match in Barcelona. In fact, there are two factors that affect the agreement between the two parties. First of all, Barca needs to meet the 1-1 rule (that is, the income from selling players can be used for recruitment), but it still needs to wait for the investment funds to be in place.

Secondly, Barcelona needs to maintain a salary balance, especially when Lewandowski's annual salary is close to 30 million euros next season. Kimihi's request conflicts with Barcelona's demand, so it is necessary to observe how this potential signing will develop in the coming months.

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