Fabio Abreu vs Nantong Zhiyun Full court data: 2 goals, 1 assist, 1 key pass

07:35:29, May 27, 2024

On May 26, Beijing time, Beijing Guoan vs Nantong Zhiyun, Fabio Abreu contributed two goals, one assist, one key pass, three shots and one successful pass.

Fabio Abreu vs Nantong Branch Cloud Data

Exit time 90 '

Goal 2

Assist 1

Shoot 3

Ortho 3

Outstanding/Successful 4/1

Foul 3

Touching the ball 29

Total number of passes 13

Precision Passing 10

Pass success rate 77%

Key Pass 1

Competition/success 5/3

Ground fight/success 8/4

Break through 1

Foul 2

Lost Ball 8

The fifth minute is simple and efficient! He Yupeng passes in, Fabio breaks the door, Guo'an 1-0 Nantong

In the 63rd minute, Fabio scores, Cao Yongjing expands the score, Guo'an 3-1 Nantong

In the 88th minute, lock the victory? Fabio makes a double shot, Guoan 4-2 Nantong

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