Di Mazio: Although Marseille offers a higher price, Fonseca only wants to coach Milan

00:15:48, May 27, 2024

Recently, Di Mazio talked about Fonseca in the Sky Sports TV program.

"The contract between Fonseca and Lille is about to expire. He gave up the offer of Marseille for three years, which is higher than Milan's offer. Marseille offered 4.5 million euros after tax salary, and Milan offered 3 million plus bonus. Of course, he (chose Milan) is not out of economic considerations."

"Now it is a competitive issue. After the team returns from Australia, Fonseca will officially sign a contract with Milan in early June. Fonseca has been selected by Milan."

"Milan once chose Lopeggi, who is the most likely one among them. However, due to environmental reasons, Milan fans do not like him very much, so the club has made some new assessments. Kongsesan is more recommended to Milan by his agent, and Fonseka is Plan B after Lopeggi."

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