2 to 1, Miami beat Vancouver away, equaling the points of last season

23:33:28, May 26, 2024

No Messi, no Suarez, even no Busquets, but that still does not prevent Miami international away game from winning. What's important is that after winning Vancouver in the away game, Miami has become the leader in the east with one more round.

In the 16th round of the NBA regular season, Vancouver Whitewater hosts Miami International. Before the game, Miami, with 9 wins, 4 draws and 2 negative points, ranked second in the east, only 2 points less than Cincinnati, which ranked first. Vancouver ranked seventh in the western region with 5 wins, 4 draws and 4 negative scores of 19 points.

The biggest attraction of this game is undoubtedly Messi, Su Ya and Professor Bu. Many Vancouver fans came to the stadium just because they wanted to see their style. But soon they were badly hit, because Messi and his three players would not play in the game, or even did not come with the team to the away game. This gave Vancouver and their fans a feeling of contempt, which once caused dissatisfaction among the home team fans. But soon, Vancouver players found it hard to resist even if there were no top three players in the opponent's team.

In the first team, Miami sent Alba, Kampana, Grexel and others, and Alba was the only famous player in the team. The Vancouver side sent White, Pico, Gould, Bitter and others.

In the 38th minute of the first half, when Miami International was the main backer, Alba sent out an assist, and Taylor made a small cut from the left to break the deadlock for the team. In the 55th minute of the second half, Taylor sent out a wonderful cross, and Kampana beat the goal in the middle, expanding the score to 2-0. It was not until the 71st minute that the home team was able to win back a city from Golde's penalty. In the end, Miami International won the opponent 2-1 away from home. In the case of one more round, it rose to the top of the Eastern Division with 34 points.

It is worth mentioning that Miami International only got 34 points in the whole 34 rounds last season, while it only got 34 points in 16 rounds this season. This shows their obvious progress this season. All this, obviously, has a huge relationship with Messi's arrival. Copy link ulama1.top of HD football and basketball live broadcast to browser for viewing

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