Italian media: De Rossi wants to keep Lukaku, Spinazola and Angelinho

21:58:47, May 26, 2024

According to the Italian media Courier, Roma coach De Rossi hopes to keep three players: Spinazola, Lukaku and Angelinho.

The future of many players in the Roma team is still uncertain and quite complex. Some players' contracts will expire this summer, such as Patricio and Spinazola. Other players will return to their respective clubs after the end of the loan period, such as Lukaku, Renato Sanchez, Diego Llorente, Angelinho, Hewson, Rasmus Christensen and Azmon.

De Rossi is discussing this summer's transfer plan with the new sports director Gisolfi. The Red Wolf coach suggested that the team keep Lukaku, Spinazola and Anherinho as three key players.

Among them, Angelinho won the chance to stay forever with his stable performance. Rome has decided to activate the 5 million euro buyout clause in its loan contract. In contrast, the future of Spinazola and Lukaku is uncertain. The former's contract expires on June 30 and may leave as a free agent. Lukaku is more likely to return to Chelsea after the end of the loan period. Whether Roma will try to bring him back is still unknown.

Although De Rossi hopes to retain some key players, the actual operation of the club will determine the team's future line-up structure.

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