Emre Zhan looks forward to the Champions League final: Real Madrid is the hot side, but we also want to win the championship

15:58:52, May 26, 2024

Recently, Emre Zhan, captain of Dot, gave an interview to the German media Ruhr News, looking forward to the Champions League final with Real Madrid.

Emre Zhan said: "Real Madrid is the hot side, everyone knows this. But when we go there, we will not say that this is the end. On the contrary, we will do our best, we will go all out, fight for each other, and see what happens in the end."

"You must go to Wembley with confidence. You must go there with your head held high. We will do that. We want to win and bring the championship back to Dortmund."

"We have met strong opponents. We have insisted on ourselves and played at a high level. We have shown integrity, which has given me courage. Wembley is a special stadium, a beautiful stadium, which to some extent matches Dortmund."

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