France Cup Final | Paris Saint Germain 2-1 Lyon, a Double

At 13:32:11 on May 26, 2024, French Football League A Ligue1

The final of the French Cup 2023/24 season ended in the early morning this morning. Denbelle and Fabian Ruiz scored goals in the first half, and O'Brien recovered a goal in the second half. Finally, Paris Saint Germain defeated Lyon 2-1, winning the 15th French Cup championship in the team history, becoming the double champion of the French domestic competition this season!

starting lineup

Paris Saint Germain: Donaruma/Ashraf/Marchinios/Lucas Bellardo/Nuno Mendes/Zaire Emery/Vittinia/Fabian Ruiz/Osman Denbelle/Mbape/Balcorra
First half
In the second minute, a corner kick was played from Paris on the left. Mbape took a slow step to outflank and the ball crossed the bottom line.

In the fourth minute, Fabian Ruiz found the fast advancing Balcorra with a wonderful heel pass, and Lucas Perry tried hard to save the latter's shot near the small restricted area.
In the fifth minute, Ashraf knocked horizontally on the right side of the restricted area in the middle, and Emery, who was in place, fell down and hit the door with a horizontal shot, which was saved by Perry.

In the 22nd minute, Nuno Mendes picked up the ball on the left side and sent a precise cross. The unmarked Denbelle easily headed home at the back, leading Paris Saint Germain 1-0 ahead of Lyon.
In the 32nd minute, Perry saved Mbape's side hook attack in the restricted area, and the linesman raised the flag to indicate offside first.

In the 34th minute, he got the ball near the bottom line on the right side of the restricted area of Denbelle, lifted the ball backward, and Fabian Ruiz headed the goal, which was cleared by O'Brien's line. Then he made up his own shot to break the goal. Paris Saint Germain was 2-0 ahead of Lyon.
In the 41st minute, the Paris backcourt intercepted the ball and launched a counterattack. Deng Belle sent a top pass from the left side, and Mbape, who was in the position of the outflanking, directly volleyed the goal without stopping, and the ball flew out of the beam.
second half
In the 49th minute, when the front edge of the Denbelle restricted area struck the middle of the road horizontally, Balcorra skilfully leaked the ball to Mbape, who outflanked to the rear, and the latter's attack was blocked out of the baseline.
In the 55th minute, Lyon opened a right corner, O'Brien jumped high to head the ball and scored, and Lyon recovered a goal 1-2.

In the 62nd minute, Paris got the chance to counter attack, and Ashraf's small angle powerful shot from the right side of the restricted area was saved by Perry.
In the 64th minute, Lyon once again opened the right corner, Taliafico rushed to the top of the goal, and Donaruma struggled to lift the ball out of the beam.

In the 77th minute, Lakazette stopped the ball in the restricted area to adjust the attack, and the ball was blocked out of the bottom line by Vittinia.
In the second minute of stoppage time, Donaruma broke through before Malik Fufana got the ball.

At the end of the whole match, Paris Saint Germain defeated Lyon 2-1 to win the 15th French Cup in the history of the team, becoming the double champion of this season's domestic events in France!

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