Ranking of women's Champions League wins: Barcelona rose to the third place three times, and Lyon still topped the list eight times

02:56:54, May 26, 2024

The 2023/24 Women's Football League ended, and Barcelona Women's Football Team finally won the championship by defeating Lyon Women's Football Team 2-0 in the final.

This is the fifth time that the women's football team of Barcelona has reached the final of the Women's Cup in history. Previously, they had won the championship in 2020/21 and 2022/23. Now they have successfully defended their championship in this season, which is the third time that they have won the championship in this event.

Although they lost today's final, Lyon Women's Football Team is still the team that has won the most championships in the history of the women's championship. They have won the championship trophy for 8 times.

Ranking of Women's Champions League

Lyon 8 times

Frankfurt 4 times

Barcelona 3 times

Wolfsburg, Yumo'ao Women's Football Team and Potsdam Turbine No.1 Women's Football Team twice

Arsenal and Duisburg Women's Football Team once

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