Bei Qing Talks about the New General Manager of CSL Dong Hua: He is a good man in the eyes of the industry

02:42:27, May 24, 2024

According to many domestic media reports, Dong Hua, the former press officer of the Chinese Football Association, has become the new general manager of CSL. The Beijing Youth Daily also wrote an article about the experience of the new general manager of CSL.

"Beiqing" said that Dong Hua, who turned 60 this year, had retired in March this year, but the Chinese Football Association decided to re hire him after comprehensive consideration of his business ability, quality and other factors. This actually foreshadowed his eventual nomination as chairman of CSL.

Dong Hua is a senior employee of the China Football Association, and also a "low-key and introverted" old man in the eyes of colleagues and industry insiders Graduated from Sichuan University majoring in journalism, he worked as a reporter in a professional football magazine at the beginning of his career, and then officially joined the Chinese Football Association in 1999. In the past 25 years, he has served in the comprehensive department, party affairs and publicity department of the Football Association for a long time, and served as a press officer in many national famous teams such as men's football and women's football. He was born as a media reporter, and he has good written skills. With his down-to-earth work style and humble attitude, he has won widespread recognition from colleagues, friends and even football journalists.

According to Beiqing, at the meeting of the board of directors on the morning of the 23rd, CSL also announced that the new secretary of the board of directors, Zhang Yuxin, who is now the senior director of the party mass work department of the Football Association, was also nominated by Yang Xu, the chairman, and was approved.

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