New Pengcheng Garcia: As a new force of CSL, we respect every opponent, but will not be afraid

02:06:07, May 24, 2024

Recently, Edu Garcia, a foreign aid from Shenzhen Xinpeng City, said in an exclusive interview with the club: "We are new to the Chinese Super League. We respect every opponent and will not be afraid of any opponent. Now Chinese football is setting sail again. The steady improvement of various facilities and equipment has provided strong support for the competitiveness of the league and the national team. All these are helping Chinese football to develop forward and radiate new vitality. "

You have scored 5 goals this season, leading the list of shooters in the team.

Edu Garcia: "I am very happy to contribute goals to the team, which is my goal in the team. But no matter who gets the goals, the most important thing is that the team can get more league points."

At present, the team's performance is not ideal. What do you think about it?

Edu Garcia: "Recently, our team has not been very lucky and failed to achieve the expected points. I firmly believe that through every day's work and efforts, we will eventually begin to harvest the desired points. We are the new team of CSL, and we are full of respect for each opponent, but also will not be afraid of any opponent."

You have played for many teams in different countries in your career. What attracted you to China?

Edu Garcia: "When I first arrived in India, I began to pay attention to the dynamics of Chinese football. At that time, Chinese football was in a different period from the current one, because the Chinese Super League continued to introduce excellent players, which deeply attracted me in all aspects. In 2018, I set foot on China's land for the first time and played for the Chinese team. I left a very good first impression on the Chinese team and the whole country. It makes me feel very comfortable here, which is one of the important reasons why I finally chose to play in China. "

In 2018, you played in the Chinese League (for Zhejiang Greentown). Did you change a lot compared to now?

Edu Garcia: "Chinese football has gone through different stages. In 2018, many excellent players joined, and the attraction reached its peak. Then, we witnessed major changes and the impact of the game system. What is gratifying is that now Chinese football is setting sail again, and the steady improvement of various facilities and equipment has provided strong support for the competitiveness of the league and the national team. All these are helping Chinese football to develop forward and radiate new vitality. "

What goals have you set for yourself this year? For example, how many goals do you want to score in the league?

Edu Garcia: "It is undoubtedly a happy moment for every player to score goals, because the increase in the number of goals means excellent performance of individuals. However, as professional players, we know that goals are not only about personal glory, but also great help to the team. Our ultimate goal is collective victory, not individual brilliance. We have a clear understanding of the goals of the team and the club. In the new season, we have a clear positioning and pursuit. My personal goal is to make every effort to contribute to the team and help the team achieve the common goal of everyone. "

What do you want to say to Shenzhen fans?

Edu Garcia: "For the fans in Shenzhen, I would like to say that we will continue to work with full enthusiasm and professional attitude, and strive to present the best game for you. As you can see, we are faced with the challenge of double games this week. Fatigue is inevitable for us, but please believe that we will deal with it through scientific diet planning, recovery treatment and adjustment in daily training. We will go all out to show our best. "

"Shenzhen Xinpeng City is a big family, which is composed of many important elements, of which the fans are undoubtedly the most critical part. Your support and enthusiasm are the source of power for our continuous progress. Therefore, I sincerely hope that the fans can continue to support us, so that our football can be seen and felt by more people. At the same time, I also look forward to more fans coming to the scene to share the passion and happiness of the game with us. "

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