The must goal was blocked by Yan Junling. Mai Tijiang: It's a pity that Lao Yan didn't move this goal

May 24, 2024 01:40:42

According to reporter Liu Wenchao, when talking about the inevitable goal being blocked by Yan Junling, Murakami and Tijiang said: "It's a pity that Lao Yan didn't move this ball."

In the 13th round of the CSL, Chengdu Rongcheng lost 0-2 away to Shanghai Harbor. Facing the old host, Murakami and Tijiang missed an excellent opportunity to help Chengdu Rongcheng take the lead in the 57th minute of the second half. Wei Shihao crossed from the left, and Murakami and Tijiang pushed from close range, which was blocked by Yan Junling.

Liu Wenchao, a reporter, said: "Last night when I met Maitijiang, I said that he missed the goal by only a few centimeters. Maitijiang replied: 'Yes, it's a pity that Lao Yan didn't move the ball.'"

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