German Football Association official: German team will start training this Sunday, Gruda and Reitz will train with the team

At 01:01:07, May 24, 2024, understand the QiuDi

According to the German Football Association, the German team will train in Brankenhein from May 26 to 31 local time. Germany U21 players Gruda (Mainz forward) and Leitz (Menxing midfielder) will also train with the German national team.

Speaking of the training of Gruda and Reitz when they joined the German team at the beginning of the preparation for the European Cup, Nagelsmann said: "Some of our players will still participate in the German Cup final and the Champions League final, and they will join the team after the game. In order to carry out the best training in the first stage of preparation for the European Cup, we want to give two young excellent players the opportunity to show their level in the first team. We have had good exchanges and close cooperation with the German U21 team, for which I am very grateful to my colleague Di Salvo. "  

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