Sky Italia: Gasperini is the first person to change football after Guadalajara

16:56:30, May 23, 2024

Fabio Casa, a reporter from Sky Sports Italia, praised the Atalanta coach Gasperini who had just won the Europa League with his team, and thought he was the first person who really changed football after Pep Guardiola.

Fabio Casa, the Italian journalist of Sky Sports Italia, spoke highly of Gasperini's coaching level, saying: "We often discuss the coach, and now we have to add Gasperini to the discussion, because after Guardiola, he was the first person who really changed football. Atlanta's style of play is strong and powerful, in line with modern football, emphasizing vertical transmission, playing wisely, and they are eager to win. "

On May 23, Beijing time, under the guidance of Italian coach Gasperini, Atlanta won the Europa League championship by defeating Leverkusen 3-0 in the final of the Europa League this season.

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