Obamejan won the title of best striker in European Union with 10 goals, and won the Golden Boot in European Championship for the first time

09:09:17, May 23, 2024 PP Sports | 24-hour sports hot spots

This season's Europa League is over. Marseille's 34 year old striker Obamaeyang won the best shooter with 10 goals, which is his first time to win the title of "Shooter Wang" in European competitions. Previously, he won the German Bundesliga Golden Boot in 2016-2017 and the Premier League Golden Boot in 2018-2019.

This season's Europa League goalscorer list:

Obameyan (Marseille) - 10

Lukaku (Rome) - 7

Joao Pedro (Brighton) - 6

Skamaka (Atlanta) - 6

Hick (Leverkusen) - 5

Gregorich (Freiburg) - 5

Boniface (Leverkusen) - 5

Salah (Liverpool) - 5

Ionidis (Panathinaikos) - 5

Nunez (Liverpool) - 5

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