Former team-mates, Kolahinadz and Zaka exchanged cordially after the final match

06:56:39, May 23, 2024

In the early morning of this morning, Beijing time, the final of the 2023/24 Europa League started, and Atlanta finally beat Leverkusen 3-0 to win the first Europa League championship. After the game, Kolahinaz and Zaka had a cordial exchange.

Kolahinadz and Zaka once played side by side. They played for Arsenal from 2017 to 2022 (Kolahinadz spent half a season on loan at Schalke 04 in the winter window of 2021).

Kolahinadz left Arsenal in January 2022, while Zaka left the Gunners last summer.

This season they both won the championship, Kolahinadz became the European Union Cup champion, and Zaka followed Leverkusen to win the Bundesliga championship with unbeaten record.

Now that old friends meet again, what will they talk about?

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