Refuse to repeat it! Paris finally learned to be pragmatic and get rid of the demons. They are determined to win

10:16:44, March 11, 2021

Yang Jian, Special Correspondent of Titan Sports Weekly

There is still more courage in playing against the wind, and the boat often capsizes when playing against the wind. Although it has become the runner up in Europe, the stereotype left by Paris Saint Germain to fans has not been reversed due to the promotion of its foreign performance. Even two weeks ago, the Parisians who resolutely carried out the counter attack had completed the tactical knockdown in the Camp Nou, but the team's ups and downs in the Ligue 1 and the Prince Park, which played in an empty field, still filled the game with a large number of reversals. In the first 45 minutes of the game, the Parisians seemed to smell the familiar smell again, but this time, Paris refused to repeat the past, and the team's more leisurely attitude, especially the difference in personal ability, made the promotion more dangerous.

Compared with Barcelona, which has an asymmetric 433 formation, Paris, which is still dominated by me, has no more changes in thinking than last round, but retreats deeper. After the counter attack, it pays more attention to the domination of the ball power than the sharpness of the counter attack. However, in the general direction of seeking stability, the home team entered the state far less quickly than Barcelona. In particular, the division of labor between Marchionios and Kimpembe was not clear. In order to stop Messi and others from starting at the first time, they often left out the side of Denbelle, who has been given the most abundant space and opportunity to start up since joining Barcelona. However, it is not difficult to find that Barcelona No. 11, who wasted at least three excellent opportunities in the first half, did not completely throw away 50% of the opportunities of defense, and his poor shooting skills were naturally defeated when he met with Navas who was extremely fast on the ground.

As the best player of the game, the highly focused Navas not only gave Denbelle extra lessons, but also showed a high familiarity with Messi's shooting habits. Aside from the force majeure long-range shot, Navas completely guessed the route of Messi's penalty shot and avoided a reversal with his astute save. Barcelona, with three drums exhausted, only scored one goal after nine shots at half time, and then shot and shot at half time sharply reduced to five and one respectively. You should know that "Nablockwall" is quick to respond, but it is not good at pouncing. It has faced 12 yards 11 times in the Champions League, and only one time. At the age of 34, Costa Ricans are still making progress. For the former club Real Madrid, Kourtuva may be a better candidate for reconstruction than Navas, but for Paris, Navas is even as valuable as Mbape.

Forty five minutes before the panic, Paris recovered quickly after Yi Bian. With a wave of high position siege that lasted for nearly 10 minutes, Barcelona's impressive offensive stopped abruptly, while Marchionus, who was still slightly embarrassed in the first half, steadied his army. In many one-on-one games with Messi, the captain of Paris showed his steadiness and ruthlessness no less than that of the former captain Tiago Silva. It is an art to lower the center of gravity and not easily lower the foot and move in advance. Especially in the second half, when Messi turned around in the restricted area and was about to face the goalkeeper, Marchionios, who was quick and resourceful, came first from behind and blocked the shooting route, which made Messi confused. In contrast to Mingesa, the referee of the opposite challenge, who almost came off with two yellow medals in a row, and Langley, who won the top five leagues for four times, the gap between the defense lines of the two sides is not a bit. After the game, the Brazilian was also very proud of his performance: "Can we say that Paris Saint Germain has eliminated the shadow of those who were overturned in the past? Yes, this feeling is wonderful, not only for Barcelona, but also for Manchester United."

The first half was stormy and the second half was uninspiring. Paris drew with the opponent in three of the four halves of the two matches against Barcelona, and sent the opponent out with a wave of output in the second half of the first round. The 5-2 victory may not be a reflection of the real strength of the two teams, but in terms of staffing, tactical implementation, and psychological stability, Paris is always a winner. Barcelona fans may complain that the team lacks Mr. Pique, as well as Coutinho and Roberto, who have not met for a long time. However, apart from Neymar and Bernard, Paris decided to be absent early, and Moise Keane, who was not as active as Mbape in the last round, was also excluded from the fight. Both Villatti and DiMaria fought with injuries.

There is no harm without comparison. When Barcelona waited nearly 80 minutes to replace Denbelle, whose physical and emotional abilities were on the verge of collapse, and only marginal people and young players such as Bresvert, Moliba and Trincan were on the bench, Danilo Pereira, Rafinha and Di Maria, the second echelon of Bochetino, were qualified main players in Barcelona. When the Jedi reversed in Paris in 2017, only Messi, Telstegan and Busquets, including Suarez, Iniesta, Lakitic, Mascherano and Neymar, played in the first 11 players of Barca, and the two players were very different, Even Coman had to be convinced after the match: "We performed well enough, but the biggest difference between us and Paris is the lack of efficiency."

Last season, Paris has proved that it is not a soft foot shrimp in the Champions League, but this season, the more promising winners of the Champions League in the industry are still defending champion Bayern and Manchester City, who can not afford the same in previous seasons. However, for Pochetino, who always aspired to win the Ear Cup at Spurs, being despised or even ignored is exactly the driving force for the team to move forward: "We are too eager to advance. I told them to focus on the game instead of negative thoughts. You need to know how to bear pressure, but you also need to put negative thoughts aside. I am very happy that we changed ourselves and succeeded in promotion. " Since the 1994-95 season, Paris, which has eliminated Barcelona again after 26 years, has gone out of its mind.

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