The best array in the 19th round of the French First Division: Depe+Keane led Paris and Lyon were selected by three people each

January 13, 2021 01:02:59 PP Sports | N08L4NK5

On January 13, Beijing time, the French League One announced the best team of the 19th round, with three players from Greater Paris and Lyon selected.

In the 19th round of the game, Paris defeated Brest 3-0, and Kean, who scored the goal, was also included in the best team of the round along with Navas and Marcinios; In the front line, Depe, who helped Lyon pull two goals in a row, made great contributions in passing and shooting, was selected together, and his team-mates Mendes and De Nayer were also listed.

The best lineup in the 19th round of the French league

Goalkeeper: Navas (Paris Saint Germain)

Defenders: Lala (Strasbourg), De Nayer (Lyon), Marcinius (Paris Saint Germain), Oyongo (Montpellier);

Midfielders: Briro (Ryan), Kamavanga (Ryan), Mendes (Lyon)

Forwards: Thia (Reims), Kean (Paris Saint Germain), Memphis Depe (Lyon)

Editor in charge: N08L4NK5
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