Analysis of the European Super League: the polarization between the rich and the poor gives birth to a new cake. How does UEFA play against the giants?

January 12, 2021 11:42:59 PP Sports | You can't eat any more meatballs

At the end of last year, it was reported that some elite clubs intended to take the lead in the formation of the European Super League and redistributed the share of clubs participating in the European War. According to Goal, UEFA will discuss this issue with sponsors and other stakeholders later this week. One of the focuses of their discussion will be the growing polarization between the rich and the poor among professional football clubs, and they hope to reorganize the existing distribution pattern of the Champions League in order to formally strangle the possibility of the birth of the European Super League.

According to Goal, if there is a result of this negotiation, it will have a significant impact on the entire European football world and directly change the income distribution pattern of existing European clubs. In the past decade, although the overall assets of professional football have expanded rapidly, the gap between rich and poor among clubs has also widened rapidly.

Generally speaking, the club's income mainly comes from the following sources: the sharing of live broadcast copyright, the sponsorship contract of the club itself, and the income from the European War. Although the live broadcast and sponsorship are "very subjective" and also a very considerable income for the club, the income from the European War has the largest growth rate and the most changes in recent years.

When analyzing the composition of these revenues, someone said that the broadcast revenues of European leagues, such as the Premier League, were relatively flat before. However, whenever UEFA proposed a new European game distribution plan to distribute more revenues to some small clubs, the Premier League would always adjust its internal distribution structure to ensure the income of the big clubs. According to statistics, during 2015-18, the top three clubs in the five major European leagues accounted for an average of 85% of the total income of the European games in the country. In a word, the rich are richer, the poor are poorer, and it is increasingly difficult for small clubs to obtain the Champions League qualification. This has become a vicious circle, and football has become "oligarchy".

As for the European Super League, according to the information we have received so far, it is basically the strongest several big clubs in Europe that have been formed together to play for a season. This structure also means that fans can often see strong dialogue, and the giants can also get a huge amount of broadcast income because of their high attention. According to the World Sports News, FIFA and the major European clubs have discussed the plan of opening the Premier League. They hope to start the Premier League in 2022-23. A total of 18 teams participated, 15 of which were permanent teams, namely Big6 in the Premier League, Atletico Real Madrid and Barcelona in La Liga, Juventus and Milan in Italy, Bayern and Dorte in Germany and Paris in France. The remaining three teams may come from other teams in France, Russia, Portugal, Netherlands and Italy.

In the past two years, although teams such as Leicester City and Atlanta have made impressive performances in the top leagues, from a long-term perspective, we must admit that in the development of professional football, teams with a long tradition and financial resources can produce a relatively stable output. However, when people see that Serie A, Bundesliga and Ligue A have all been dominated by a single team for nearly 10 years, they have to feel that such a league is somewhat dull, and they cannot be optimistic about the development prospects of football. This is the source of the idea of the European Premier League.

Earlier, Uefa President Cefelin said in an interview: "I think this is the most boring plan in the world. At the beginning, it may be just the idea of two or three teams, or the media hype. I think this may be the idea of the Italians, who want to win trophies in other ways. However, this plan will destroy the football industry.

According to Goal, Uefa is considering how to curb this project. Their idea is to reorganize the Champions League and also reform the income distribution of the existing European games. They hope to meet some of the assumptions of the big teams about the so-called European Super League and also protect the financial and competitiveness of small and medium-sized clubs, This can prevent the rich teams from forming a separate group to start the game. In short, UEFA does not want the emergence of the so-called European Super League, which will significantly reduce the value of the European Cup. After all, UEFA is not a rich association. They must intervene in this cake, and they are not satisfied with just intervening.

However, if UEFA really gets involved successfully, it will definitely bring about a new reform of income distribution, because from the perspective of their organizer, they must not want to let the giants swallow most of the bonuses, which will still give rise to the idea of several giants to "establish their own doors", and UEFA must find ways to distribute more benefits to small and medium-sized clubs, To weaken the interests of the big teams.

If based on the current income distribution principle, because of the existence of the so-called "market pool" (that is, according to the television broadcasting contract of each country and the UEFA ranking of the league), the team that finally won the Champions League, especially the Champions League (in recent years, most of the top five league teams), will earn more income year by year, But relatively speaking, the cake of the small teams that can only get the qualification, especially the teams in the non five major leagues, is getting smaller and smaller, not to mention the teams that are already fighting for the qualification of the Champions League.

As for whether the future European football pattern will be greatly changed, UEFA still has the right to decide and choose. Once the oligarchs separated from UEFA and established the Champions League, the original European football order would inevitably collapse.

Editor in charge: You can't eat any more meatballs
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