Tragic incident in French armour: 38 year old staff member was hit by a lamp holder and died

19:11:21, December 21, 2020 NetEase Sports

NetEase Sports reported on December 21:

On December 21, Beijing time, it was reported that after the 0-3 defeat at home to Rennes in the French First Division, the Lorient team received a more sad news. A turf maintenance staff member of the club was hit by the on-site light frame and died at the age of 38.

This tragedy happened at 7 p.m. local time. After the French First Division match in Lorient, which lost 3-0 at home to Rennes, a turf maintenance staff in Lorient was working on the court. As a result, a searchlight in the stadium collapsed unexpectedly and hit the staff member.

After the incident, the first aid personnel arrived at the scene at the first time and used a cardiac defibrillator to give first aid to the staff member. The staff member was then taken to the intensive care unit and put on a ventilator. Unfortunately, the medical staff failed to save the life of the staff member after doing their best.

It is reported that this staff member is only 38 years old, and currently works as a turf keeper in the Lorient Club as a volunteer. He is also the father of three children. However, an accident broke up the originally happy family.

The players, doctors and coaches of Rennes Club were shocked by the incident. The local police in Lorient marked the scene of the accident and are investigating the cause of the accident.

Author: Ben Boer Ba

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