This perfect year of Levine: three championships plus a complete victory over Merleau, his growth against the trend in 2020

December 18, 2020 07:36:57 PP Sports | You can't eat any more meatballs

Although the world football world is concerned about the results of FIFA's Player of the Year, almost everyone has the answer of the final winner in their hearts. In the early morning of Beijing time on the 18th, FIFA's announcement confirmed everyone's speculation that Bayern striker Robert Lewandowski was elected, which was another big personal award of the year after he won the UEFA Player of the Year award this year.

Bayern's Sea calming Needle and Sky Leveling Sage

There is no doubt about the role of Levian in Bayern. This year, Bayern was able to win the treble again in the year of the epidemic. In addition to the benefits of Bayern's stable finance, Levian's stable output is also a hero Bayern can rely on on on the court. Bayern and Levian have reached a high level of harmony.

In February of this year, Levan was expected to miss four weeks due to his knee injury in the Champions League match against Chelsea, during which he would miss many important games. It would be a bolt from the blue for Bayern who aspired to win the three championships.

Bayern dominated the German Cup against Schalke and the Bundesliga against Augsburg. Although they all ended in victory, the competition process was not satisfactory. The opportunities created are not too many, but the conversion rate of the players to the opportunities is quite ordinary, even can be said to be terrible. In the face of the best opportunities, they lack the confidence and strength to win in one shot.

The lack of Levan not only made Bayern lose an efficient killer in the restricted area, but also disrupted Bayern's overall tactical choice. Teenager Zilkze is too young to bear the role of the tactical fulcrum of Levian. Bayern needs to invest more troops to fill the position in the front court, especially in the restricted area, which to some extent limits the creativity of the front court. The overall front court organization of attack and ending often falls into chaos and disorder: pass or shoot, which is a question worth considering.

When Levan was here, everyone's task was very clear, everyone performed their own duties, and the team's sense of hierarchy and running gear were clear at a glance. This is the role of Levin. He is not only Bayern's calming needle, but also the all-around Sage, sweeping six goals for the team and conquering cities and territories.

However, fortunately, the COVID-19 epidemic was rampant in Europe, and nearly a three-month lockout allowed Bayern and Levian to "benefit from adversity", and Levian, who recovered from injury, could continue to make contributions in the Bundesliga and the Champions League. In the first five games after the replay, Levian scored five goals, strongly announcing the return of the king.

Immortal male, growing against the weather

After 30 years, Levine is still evolving and growing against the weather. The perfect striker who is famous in Europe and the winner of five Bundesliga golden boots, is a handsome chivalrous man who can not be met in the eyes of many giants. He has a silver saddle and a white horse, like a shooting star. Many female fans are willing to describe him with Mr. Dongpo's words, "A young man should only see pictures. I only know Jin here. When it comes to water scarcity, he must not be a dusty man". He is also the "national father-in-law" of many male fans. His wife and children are happy and enviable, which may also be an important reason why Levine can grow rapidly. People who soak in honey are more quality assured than ordinary people. In addition, his body was supervised by his wife, who turned from a national taekwondo player to a nutritionist, so his physical condition did not decline at all, but became stronger.

Last season's opening ceremony of Levin was so brilliant that the aura of the strongest striker spread from the Bundesliga to Europe. In the first 11 rounds of the league, he scored 16 goals in a row, and the records of Aubameyan and Gad Muller were all lost in Levian's galloping horse. If we can say that Levan's performance in the past few seasons is beyond criticism, his performance in this season is unparalleled. He scored 19 goals in the first half, which is only one step away from the German league half goal record of 20 goals set by Gaid Muller in the 1968-69 season. After the second half started, Levan continued his excellent state in the first half, scoring 6 goals in 6 games, 34 goals in 31 Bundesliga games, Gaid Muller's record of 40 goals in a single season in the 1972-73 season was already within the range of his attack radar.

In the Champions League, Lewan scored 10 goals in five group matches, and early established his leading position in the Champions League scorer list. In four knockout matches, Lewan scored five goals, and finally won the Golden Boot of the Champions League with 15 goals. Bayern also won the Champions League with a record 13 wins. Seven years later, it completed the great cause of three championships again.

For Levan, seven years ago, when Bayern realized their dream of winning the Champions League at Wembley Stadium, he could only wear Dort's yellow and black jerseys to watch Bayern climb to the top. Seven years later, at the Stadium of Light in Lisbon, Levan could finally lift the Big Ear Cup with his own hands and enjoy the joy of victory with Bayern.

Levan's data in 2020 is excellent. He scored 43 goals in this year. The stability of Levine in the past two years can almost be described as horror. No matter what time dimension you use to look at his goal data, it is difficult to find an obvious low.

Europe's best+philanthropist, this does not conflict

Levin scored 55 goals in 47 matches in various competitions last season. The Polish knight is waving the long gun handed down from his ancestors to make a bold appearance in Europe. However, in the fight for the golden boots in Europe, Levan regrettably lost to the Lazio god striker Imobile, which has also become the obstacle for Bayern fans to step forward. The biggest problem for Levan to miss the European Golden Boot Award is that the schedule of the Bundesliga is too short, only 34 rounds, four games less than the other four major leagues.

However, this does not seem to be a big problem for the "Ninth Five". This man, who is used to playing big four in the Champions League, never lacks the creativity to score goals. Last season, the scoring efficiency of Messi and Ronaldo was declining. Except for the emergence of Imobile, no player in the five leagues could compete with Levan. At the club level, the defending champion Liverpool was out of the Champions League early. When the Champions League knockout was resumed, Bayern, which was the first to finish the league, also took nearly a month to recover and adjust. As the "fire fighting coach" Frick's tactics became more mature, Bayern, which played a leading role in high position oppression, made a breakthrough in Lisbon, and the quarter finals were 8-2 bloodbath for Barcelona, It directly led to the upgrading of the earthquake level in Barcelona. In the end, Bayern won the Champions League trophy at the Stadium of Light with an economical 1-0 win, adding another weight for Levian to win the best in Europe.

Bayern always seems to have a different magic. Benefiting from the good culture of the club, the players who come here always have a strong sense of belonging.

Earlier, Levine disclosed a "secret" in an interview, Both Ronaldo and Ramos had invited him to join Real Madrid before, but in the face of the invitation of Galaxy Warship, Levan chose to refuse, and said, "I have played for one of the best clubs in the world, and I am happy to be here. Bayern has maintained a strong competitiveness, both from the formation and training facilities, are top."

For Bayern fans, who are used to hearing the words of "a higher class", they really raised their eyebrows. More importantly, Levine seized the excellent opportunity to create history. The "forbearance" in Bayern did not make him further away from the superstar road. In Bayern Munich, Levian's energy was constantly accumulated on and off the court, and finally became the top player in football when it seemed to be the end of his career.

After winning the FIFA best, Levan said with great emotion: "Messi and Ronaldo have been at the highest competitive level for many years, and now I have reached it, which means that hard work is rewarding. I still need some time to understand this matter, and I think I will have a hard time sleeping tonight."

In this year's World's Best Awards, Levin and Messi Ronaldo were included in the last three candidate lists, and Levin won without any doubt. Many people boast of Levin's old charm, but they also ignore the fact that he is three years younger than Ronaldo and one year younger than Messi.

This year means too much for Levin, and his life is full of the joy of realizing too many dreams: the birth of his second daughter, winning the Champions League, defeating Mello to win the world's best... In 2020, which seems to be a bad year for many people, Levin proved with his performance that rising against the trend is the victory of the brave.

Perhaps, Levine will continue to grow against the weather this year. It must not be the last glory of his career.

[Liwan wins the award of World Player of the Year in Munich for Fantino]

Editor in charge: You can't eat any more meatballs
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