French media: As a condition of staying in the team, Mbape asked Paris to sign O'Yal and DiBowa

06:45:33, December 15, 2020 PP Sports | Know the ball emperor

According to the French media Paris Fans, Mbape has asked Paris to sign O'Yal and DiBowa as conditions for his continued stay in the team.

Mbape's contract with Paris will expire in 2022, but he seems not convinced to renew his contract with Paris at present. He may leave Paris Saint Germain early next summer.

For Paris, this is absolutely unacceptable, so they decided to renew Mbape's contract at all costs.

According to the media, Mbape has explicitly asked Paris to sign Lyon players O'Yal and DiBowa as conditions for his stay in the team, and Paris has been working hard for this. These two Lyon French players are open to joining Paris. In recent hours, Lyon striker Depe has also walked with Paris.

Editor in charge: Valamella
The above content does not represent PP sports viewpoint
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