European Union Cup winning odds: Tottenham beat Manchester United and Arsenal to lead Milan to the fourth place

December 11, 2020 08:08:48 PP Sports | Han Yang Tsubasa

On December 11, Beijing time, the top 32 of the Europa League 2020-21 was officially announced. According to the odds offered by a gambling company, Tottenham's odds of winning the Europa League Cup is 6.50, ranking first. Manchester United, Arsenal and Milan rank 2-4 respectively.

After beating Antwerp 2-0, Spurs won the first place in the group, and Mourinho's team showed strong competitiveness. Also showing dominance in the group stage is Tottenham's arch rival Arsenal. Despite their poor performance in the Premier League, Arsenal won all six games in the Europa League group stage, and is the only team that has kept winning all matches in Europe this season.

Manchester United, who were "demoted" to the Europa League after being eliminated from the Champions League, ranked second in terms of the odds of winning the championship, while Milan, the Italian giants, ranked fourth.

[Europa League - Vinysseus Slosselso won the first place in the 2-0 Antwerp Group of Spurs]

Attached with the latest Europa League winning odds (popular teams):

1. Spur 6.50

2. Manchester United 7.00

3. Arsenal 8.00

4. AC Milan 11.00

5. Leicester 13.00

6. Ajax 15.00

6. Naples 15.00

8. Leverkusen 17.00

9. Villarreal 19.0

10. Benfica 21.00

10. Rome 21.00

12. Royal Society 26.00

12. Salzburg 26.0

Editor in charge: Han Yang Tsubasa
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