Europa League - D'Alotte makes great contribution to Diaz's cross, Milan win 3-0 and remain unbeaten for 23 games across the season

03:46:40, October 30, 2020 PP Sports | Have backbone at 8:00 tonight

At 1:55 am on October 30, Beijing time, the second round of the 2020-21 Europa League group match was kicked off at the San Siro Stadium, where Serie A leader AC Milan played against Czech team Sparta Prague. In the first half, Diaz scored in the 24th minute to help Milan break the deadlock, and Ibrahimovic missed a penalty in the 36th minute. In the second half of the game, Leo scored in the 57th minute to expand the lead, and Dalloet locked the victory in the 67th minute. Finally, at the end of the game, Milan defeated Sparta Prague 3-0.

In the fourth minute, Benazir took the ball near the bottom line of the right road and then made an inverted triangle return pass. Clooney fired from the top of the arc and hit high.

In the sixth minute, Milan launched an attack on the right side, Calabria crossed, Ibrahimovic headed the middle way, and the ball was slightly higher than the beam.

In the 9th minute, Milan launched an attack with a long ball from the back court. Ibrahimovic made a chest move in front of the goal, Diaz started to hit the goal, and the opposing defender cleared the ball.

In the 14th minute, Tony's right corner was sent into the restricted area. Ibrahimovic flicked his head to attack the goal, and the ball was higher than the left column.

In the 21st minute, Sparta Prague got a free kick opportunity in the front court. Duokal directly got up and turned to the goal, and the ball was confiscated by Tatarusanu.

In the 24th minute, Diaz completed the interception in the front court and then moved forward. Ibrahimovic put the ball into the restricted area. After Diaz received the ball, he passed the defender and started to hit the goal. The ball hit the other goalkeeper's leg and bounced into the goal. Milan broke the deadlock 1-0.

In the 31st minute, Milan's long ball from the back court accurately found the Cronic from the front court. Facing the opposing goalkeeper, Cronic started to shoot and the ball was blocked.

In the 35th minute, Benazir passed the ball to the restricted area from the front court, and Lishka pulled Ibrahimovic down behind him. The referee showed him a yellow card and awarded a penalty. At 12 yards, Ibrahimovic shot and the ball bounced off the crossbar.

Yi Bian fought again. In the 47th minute, Lacabria crossed from the right to the restricted area, and Leo headed the goal from the middle, the ball was higher than the beam.

In the 49th minute, Tony went straight ahead, and Leo got a single shot opportunity to hit the goal. The ball was missed by Heca, and the ball was confiscated by Heca.

In the 57th minute, Benazir moved to the left in a wide range, and D'Alotte made a back pass with his right outer foot, and Leo made a move in front of the goal. The ball flew into the net, 2-0, and Milan expanded its lead.

In the 67th minute, Benazir accurately found Dalotte in the front by passing from the back court. Facing Heca, Dalotte started to push and shoot, and the ball flew into the right side of the goal. 3-0, Milan again expanded its lead.

In the 71st minute, Karlsson shot from the top of the arc, and the ball was higher than the beam.

In the 75th minute, Diaz midfielder Marseille went straight after turning around. Castilejo made a slight adjustment after receiving the ball, started to hit the goal, and the ball was blocked by the defender.

Both sides' lineups

AC Milan (4-2-3-1): 1 - Tatarusanu/2 - Calabria (68'14 - Conti), 24 - Koyal, 13 - Romagnoli (80'43 - Duarte), 5 - Dalot/8 - Tornali, 4 - Benasser (80'79 - Casey)/33 - Cronacci (87'27 - Daniel Maldini), 7 - Castilejo, 21 - Diaz/11 - Ibrahimovic (45'17 - Leo)

Substitutes not playing: 89 Moreri, 90-A Donaruma, 10 Charkhanolu, 19 Teo, 20 Kalulu, 29 Colombo, 56 Salmacores

Prague Sparta (4-2-3-1): 29 Heca/16 Sachek, 3 Seruska, 13 Lishka (80'5 Plechatti), 15 Hanousec/8 Pavelka, 25 Trafunik (80'36 Karabates)/32 Windheim, 10 Dokar (90'52 Patrick), 9 Kreiqi (63'7 Mobery Karlsson)/39 Ulis (63'18 Kosak)

Substitutes not playing: 1-Nita, 40 Kotek, 20 Hlodzek, 22 Prafsic, 24 Polidar, 28 Wesner, 41 Vitik

Editor in charge: Have backbone at 8:00 tonight
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