Special comment: Bayern wrote the legend of "Triple Crown" under the epidemic of "hot blood and youth"

August 24, 2020 08:33:25 PP Sports | _ Bruce Lee_

On November 2, 2019, in the arena of the Frankfurt Commercial Bank, Boateng turned red at the beginning, and the Iron Hawk soldiers scored five times. When the score was fixed at 1-5, Bayern suffered great humiliation. Then Kovach left the class with his own ideal of "scientific experiment", and Frick took orders in the face of danger. At that time, most people believed that this would become another "transition season" for the Bundesliga overlord.

On August 24, 2020, at the Stadium of Light in Lisbon, Bayern's high intensity pressure continued throughout the game. Kimisi freehand assisted Koeman's header to break the goal. The 1-0 score was fixed until the end of the game. The German giants defeated the ambitious Paris Saint Germain and won the Triple Crown again after seven years.

It is difficult to define Bayern's 2019-20 season. From the turbulent change of coach in the middle to the dark abyss of the seventh league, from the sudden changes when the epidemic stopped to the invincibility after the restart of football, this team interprets what it means to meet the most beautiful scenery in the deepest despair. In a special season under the influence of the epidemic, Bayern wrote not only the epic legends in football history, but also their own inspirational poems.

7th in the league, lockout, treble

In the 14th round of the Bundesliga, Bayern were defeated 1-2 away by Menchengladbach, and Frick was under great pressure. This is the sixth game after Frick took office. Previously, as a fire fighting coach, he once led the team to four consecutive victories without losing a goal, including a 4-0 victory over Dortmund in the key league game and a 6-0 Champions League victory over Red Star Belgrade.

For Bayern, who has won the league title for seven consecutive times, it is unbearable to lose in the Bundesliga. At that time, Bayern was only seventh in the league, and losing the league title was not alarmist. The ups and downs of the team's state, coupled with widespread public doubts, make the situation look worse, but Frick chose to be firm in his belief. He did not give up his tactical ideal because of the media's saliva. What Bayern needs to do is return to tradition.

Later, people saw a completely different Bayern team from the era of Kovac, which was simple and clear in attack and fierce and resolute in defense. Kovac's reform concept was completely abandoned, and the Southern Star needed traditional German football. Thus, from the defeat in early December, Bayern has not lost in three months - in fact, the team only has a draw, that is, the thrilling 0-0 match with Leipzig.

The recovery of status is directly reflected in the scoreboard. Before the German Bundesliga was suspended due to the epidemic, the Bayern German Cup reached the top four. The first round of the Champions League 1/8 final killed the suspense at Stamford Bridge. The league also returned to the top of the scoreboard, and gained a four point lead. Of course, there are also hidden dangers, because Levin, who is in good condition, is troubled by injuries and diseases. No one knows whether Bayern will collapse in the three front war - and then the epidemic comes.

Nobody knows what will happen after the lockout, but Bayern do not like to fight unprepared battles. In May, the Bundesliga took the lead in the semi-finals, and the injured Levan quickly found his form, and the southern star could not be stopped. A complete victory in the second round of the Bundesliga was just a small test. The defeat of Leverkusen in the German Cup revealed ambition. When Bayern returned to the Champions League one month later, they were all killed by Chelsea, Barcelona, Lyon and Bayern.

The triple crown is undoubtedly the most proud thing for Bayern, who was questioned ten months ago. For the glory of this moment, this team has waited for seven years.

Insider, Redeemer, Guardian

Bayern's treble is a great honor for the team, and it is also the ultimate reward for everyone. In addition to taking the helm in the crisis to turn the tide on the fallen Frick, there are many heroes of Bayern.

For example, Levin played the best season of his career. The Polish, who scored 55 goals in the season, scored 16 more than Imobelle, the second best European shooter. Despite this, he still failed to win the European Golden Boot and the Golden Ball Award. There are some things that do not need glory to prove. It is a great achievement for Levin to come back from injury and break the monopoly of Mero on the Golden Boot of the Champions League for 12 years. The name of "Shiyifeng" deserves its name. In people's minds, he has already won the Golden Globe Award.

For example, Kutinho, who rose and fell to achieve his dream. He said that he left Liverpool because of his dream of the Champions League, and then the Red Army won the Big Ear Cup. The irony came as scheduled. In addition, the highlight of Barcelona's career was no longer there, and the malicious public opinion replaced the praise. But so what? Kutinho, who came to Bayern Munich, is reborn together with this team. It is never too late to start a new life. As long as you are firm and determined, you can complete redemption at any moment.

For example, Alfonso Davis, a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. The 19-year-old young man who was promoted to the first team this season has captured the hearts of the fans after one season. He is an absolute soldier on the court, and the name "A Fang" is enough to show his love. Youth is always a good thing, and Davis is the representative of Bayern youth.

Another example is Neuer, who always stands in front of the door. Seven years ago, he was in the story of the Triple Crown, and seven years later, he was also in the legend of the Triple Crown. The 34 year old captain of Bayern, who suffered from injuries and doubts, chose to guard the team in the most manly way. He used his heroism in the semi-finals and finals of the Champions League to declare to the world that I can't surpass Bayern. Looking at Xiao Xin's open arms, do you have tears in your eyes?

Muller, Gnabri, Perrisic, Koman, Gretzka, Kimisi, Boateng, Toliso... The success of Bayern is inseparable from the dedication of everyone. Some people insist on welcoming the spring, others struggle to wait for redemption, and others guard the time. In these figures, there are reasons why people love Bayern.

Seven year itch, the king returns

Bayern fans at this moment must be filled with emotion. They have waited seven years for this glorious moment. In 2013, when Robery was at the peak, Neuer was in the prime of his life, Rahm was the backbone of his will, and Schweinsteiger inherited the belief of iron blood. Nobody could have imagined that Bayern would need seven years for the next Champions League.

Bayern supporters have experienced too many painful moments in the past six seasons——

In 2013-14, as the defending champion, he was humiliated by Real Madrid 5-0 in the semi-finals;

In 2014-15 season, I was ambitious but met the peak of Barcelona MSN combination;

In the 2015-16 season, I fought with Atletico Madrid until the last moment, but fell in front of the final because of the away goal;

In 2016-17 and 2017-18, they were eliminated by Real Madrid in succession, but they were not convinced;

In the 2018-19 season, it was defeated by the final champion Liverpool, and the Champions League seemed far away

[Bayern won the championship in the night micro film: Koeman killed his throat, and the details of the substitute seat are moving]

You are not a Bayern fan, and you will not understand the inner struggle when going through all this. Ram retired, Piggy said goodbye, Robery scattered around the world, and the monarchy seemed to be on the verge of collapse. However, Bayern's team has never lost its soul. No matter the helplessness brought by the defeat in the dark abyss or the sadness brewing from the blood changing pains, it can not destroy the heart of a champion and the faith of loyal people waiting for rebirth.

This special and long season is particularly worthy of collection by Bayern fans. The mockery of the seventh place in the league can only stimulate morale, and the passion of football has never disappeared under the epidemic. So, when you get the most special three champion queen, you will probably burst into tears and say the sentence - "Right, I still support Bayern Munich."

(South Stand)

Editor in charge: _ Bruce Lee_
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