First in history! Levan won the Golden Boot on all three fronts this season

August 24, 2020 05:46:49 PP Sports | Bastie

In the Champions League final against Greater Paris, although Levan once hit the post and failed to score, he still won the Golden Boot of the Champions League with 15 goals, which is his third Golden Boot of this season.

In the Bundesliga, Levan scored 34 goals to win the small steel cannon for the third consecutive season, and he also won the Golden Boot with 6 goals in the German Cup.

In the Champions League, Levan scored 15 goals in 11 games. Although he failed to break the record of 17 goals scored by Ronaldo in a single season, he was still able to win the Golden Boot of the Champions League this season.

Levan has also become the first player who can harvest all the golden boots in the domestic league, the domestic cup and the Champions League in a single season.

[Postgame appearance of all beings: whistle! Bayern team rushed into the stadium to celebrate Neymar's tears]

Editor in charge: Bastie
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