Europa League Seville 3-2 Inter win the Cup for the 6th time Lukaku shoots De Jong double

August 22, 2020 04:54:20 PP Sports | Balabala

At 3:00 am on August 22, Beijing time, the Europa League final was held at the Rhine Energy Stadium in Cologne, Germany. Seville played against Inter Milan. In the first half of the game, Lukaku won the penalty kick at the beginning and hit it himself. Later, De Jong headed twice and Godin scored. In the second half of the game, Carlos hit the goal upside down, and the ball hit Lukaku's foot and refracted into the net. At the end of the game, Seville defeated Inter 3-2 to win the championship and won the European Union championship for the sixth time!

Competition highlights

[European Union Lukaku Hits De Jong Double Sound Inter Milan 2-3 Seville Regrets Losing the Championship]

Game data

Goal Review

4 'Lukaku

12 'Luc de Jong

33 'Luc de Jong

35 'Godin

74 'Diego Carlos

Competition process

The balance of the field was broken in the third minute of the game. Seville's front court siege failed. Barella took the ball at the top of the arc of the restricted area and instigated a quick counterattack. Lukaku used his amazing physical quality to advance along the right road. With speed, he ate Carlos, who was on the defensive, and brought down the Belgian star from behind in the right rib of the restricted area. The referee decisively awarded a penalty. Lukaku stood in front of the penalty spot and calmly pushed and shot the lower left corner of the goal. Seville goalkeeper Bunu accurately judged the direction of the penalty shot, but he failed to stop the ball from entering the net. 1-0, Inter took the lead in breaking the deadlock on the field.

Sevilla soon equalised. In the 12th minute, Seville played on the right side of the front court. After receiving the ball from his teammate's right rib in the restricted area, Navas sent a high-quality cross, and De Jong, who followed in the middle, jumped to the top from close range. This header was very powerful. Although Handanovic touched the ball and changed the trajectory of the ball, the ball still hit the net heavily, 1-1. Within 12 minutes before the start of the game, each team scored a goal.

In the 18th minute, Inter kicked a counter attack from the left side of the front court. Ashley Young carried the ball to the front court and sent a high-quality cross. Dan Brossio, who was unmarked on the right side, entered the restricted area, made no adjustment and hit the goal directly, but did not hit the right spot. The ball flew directly to the stands. Inter missed a good opportunity.

After the start of the game, the physical fitness of the players of the two teams began to decline, and the pace of the game quickly slowed down. In the 28th minute, Lukaku got a single shot opportunity, but he failed to start in time and missed the scoring opportunity. Then, the ball was passed to the periphery, Galliardini sent a high-quality cross from the left, and Dan Brossio's right rib in the restricted area pressed Regillon's header to attack the goal. Because of the interference, the header did not head the ball, and the ball slightly deviated from the right column of the goal.

In the 33rd minute, Seville got a free kick opportunity with a good position in the front court. Banega stood in front of the penalty spot and did not directly hit the goal. Instead, he chose a tactical free kick. He hoisted the ball to the left rib of the restricted area. De Ronggao, who was lying behind the goal, jumped up to attack the goal, and the ball passed the Handanovic in front of the goal and accurately entered the Inter goal, 1-2. With one goal behind in the opening game, Sevilla successfully overcame the score with two headers from De Jong.

In the 35th minute, Inter won a free kick in the front court with a good position. Brozovic hung the ball to the left rib of the restricted area, and several Inter players came forward to compete for the top. Godin successfully grabbed the ball, headed the ball vigorously, and the ball went through Bunu's ten finger pass. 2-2, the two teams returned to the same running line.

In the 51st minute, Inter moved forward along the right road, Dan Brossio sent a high-quality cross, and Lautaro did not touch the ball at the front point under the pressure of the defenders. Galliardini, who followed at the back, started to push and shoot from close range, and Konder fell to the ground and successfully blocked the ball. This attack was very dangerous for Inter.

In the 65th minute, Seville besieged Inter in the front court, and Galliardini cleared with his back. After the ball was intercepted, Barrera sent the ball straight, and Lukaku inserted at a high speed. Inter formed a counter attack opportunity. When Lukaku advanced to the top of the arc of the restricted area, Seville goalkeeper Bunu attacked in time, the Belgian star started to push and shoot, and the ball was blocked by Bunu with his body. This was one of the few chances for Inter to score in the second half, and Sevilla goalkeeper Manuel Bunu's attack was very timely.

In the 74th minute, Seville got a free kick opportunity with a good position. Banega lifted the ball into the restricted area. De Fry's header was not far away from the goal. Carlos, the Seville player who grabbed the second landing point, hooked the goal upside down. The ball bounced in front of the goal, hit Lukaku, refracted into the net, 2-3, and Seville took the lead.

In the 81st minute, when Inter attacked Seville in the front court, Bastoni crossed from the left, Lukaku missed the header in the middle of the road, and the ball hit Moses in the chest behind by mistake. Suddenly, there was chaos in Seville's restricted area. Sanchez fell to the ground and hit the goal. Konde, who was waiting on the goal line, fell to the ground quickly and blocked the ball out of the door.

Both lineups

Inter Milan (3-5-2): 1 - Handanovic/2 - Godin (90'87 - Kandereva), 6 - De Fry, 95 - Bastoni/33 - Dan Brossio (78'7 - Sanchez), 23 - Barrera, 77 - Brozovic, 5 - Galliardini (78'24 - Eriksson), 15 - Ashley Young/9 - Lukaku, 10 - Lautaro Martinez (78'11 - Moses).

Substitutes: 27 Padelli, 12 Sensi, 13 Larnokia, 20 Valero, 30 Esposito, 31 Pirola, 34 Biraji, 37 Skrinyar.

Seville (4-3-3): 13 Bunu/16 Navas, 12 Conde, 20 Diego Carlos (86'17 Goodley), 23 Regillon/24 Haldane, 25 Fernando, 10 Barnega/5 Ocampos (70'11 Munir), 19 Luc De Jong (85'15 Enneciri), 41 Suso (77'22 Basquez).

Substitutes: 1-Vaclik, 3-Selgi Gomez, 17 Goodley, 18 Escudro, 21 Oliver Torres, 28 Lara, 31 Harvey Dias, 36 Felipe, 40 Peres.


Editor in charge: Leng Junbu's nickname is occupied
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