Go to the finals! The Europa League - Inter Milan 5-0 win over Miner Han Niu team scored 2 goals each, and Danbu scored

August 18, 2020 04:47:49 PP Sports | Balabala

At 3:00 on August 18, Beijing time, the focus of the semi-final of the Europa League was the 5-0 Donetsk miners of Inter, who successfully reached the final of the Europa League. In the first half, Lautaro headed home from close range. In the second half, Dan Brossio scored from a corner kick. Then Rautaro scored another goal, Lukaku scored twice and Inter swept the opponent 5-0. In the early morning of August 22, Inter will play Seville in the final.

Game data

Competition highlights

European Union Lukaku+Lautaro Double Sounding Inter 5-0 Miners enter the finals

Goal Review

19 'Lautaro

65 'Dan Brocio

74 'Lautaro

78 'Lukaku

84 'Lukaku

Competition process

In the 19th minute, Shakhtar Donetsk made a low-grade mistake in passing and receiving the ball in the back court. After Inter broke the ball, they launched an attack. After the ball was scored by Barrera on the right, he sent a high-quality cross. Lautaro reached the goal at high speed, successfully stuck his position and resisted the guard. He headed the goal from close range and the ball went into the net 1-0.

In the 25th minute, Ashley Young shared the ball in the middle. Bastoni sent a high-quality cross from the left. Lautaro tried to shovel the ball, but did not touch the ball. Dan Brossio followed up in the middle and kicked the ball. Lautaro near the left goalpost tried to make up the shot. He quickly kicked the ball into the side net, and the Miners escaped.

In the 34th minute, Inter launched an attack by using the out of bounds ball on the right side of the front court. Lukaku headed the ball back, and Barella inserted along the right road at a high speed. After he nodded the ball, Barella entered the restricted area along the right road, and started to hit the goal from close range. The ball was powerful and angled, and the ball was pulled out of the beam by Piatov.

In the 44th minute, the Miners advanced to the front court, forming a continuous pass in front of the Inter Milan restricted area, but could not break into the restricted area, forming a real threat. Finally, Antonio tried a long shot at the top of the arc of the big restricted area. The shot was powerful and powerful, with a good angle. It was just slightly higher than the beam and passed the door.

In the 62nd minute, Solomon, the attacking hand of the Miners' team, who came on as a substitute, sent the ball to the middle of the restricted area with a diagonal pass from the left, and Molayes in front of the goal hit the goal with a close range header. Handanovic seemed to be ill prepared and hurriedly blocked the ball with his right leg. This was the best scoring opportunity for the Miners after the start.

In the 65th minute, Inter Milan got a corner kick on the right side of the front court. Brozovic hung the ball into the restricted area, and Dan Brossio, who was lying in ambush at the back, ran up and took off, squeezed the defender Matvinko in front of him, and easily headed the ball into the net. 2-0, Inter got the lead of two goals, and had already locked the victory in advance.

In the 74th minute, the Miners made another low-level mistake in the backcourt pass. Brozovic forced to steal the ball and then instigated the attack. Barrera went straight, Lukaku made a slight knock, and the ball came to Rautaro. The Argentinian made a slight adjustment and then burst into the restricted area to push the ball into the net. Inter led Miners 3-0.

In the 78th minute, another low-level error occurred in the backcourt cross of the Miners team. Lautaro took the ball at the top of the arc of the big restricted area, and then he skillfully put the ball to Lukaku, who was in a better position. The Belgian star made a slight adjustment in the right rib of the restricted area, and then pushed the ball from a small angle to the far corner, successfully putting the ball into the net. The score on the court became 4-0.

In the 84th minute, Inter went straight into the back court and played a quick counter attack. Lukaku held the ball on the right side of the front court and used his speed and physical quality to successfully shake off defender Hoqiaolava. After that, the Belgian star successfully entered the right rib of the restricted area. Facing Piatov, Lukaku easily pushed and shot the far corner of the goal to score 5-0!

At the end of the game, with goals from Rautaro, Lukaku and Dan Brossio, Inter beat Shakhtar Donetsk 5-0 and reached the Europa League final. On August 22, Inter will play Seville in the final.

Demobilization list

Inter Milan (3-5-2): 1 - Handanovic/2 - Godin, 6 - DeFrey, 95 - Bastoni/33 - Dan Brossio, 23 - Barrera, 77 - Brozovic, 5 - Galliardini, 15 - Ashley Young (66 '34 - Biraji)/9 - Lukaku, 10 - Lautaro

Substitutes: 27 Padelli, 7 Sanchez, 11 Moses, 12 Sensi, 13 Larnokia, 20 Valero, 24 Eriksson, 30 Esposito, 31 Pirola, 37 Skrinyar, 87 Kandereva

Miners (4-2-3-1): 30 Piatov/22 Matweenko, 4 Kritsov, 5 Hoqiao Lava, 98 Dodo/6 Stepanninko, 8 Antonio, 7 Tyson, 11 Malos (75 ` 15 Konopryaka), 21 Patrick (59'19 Solomon)/10 Morayes

Substitutes: 81 Trubin, 9 Duntinho, 14 Tete, 20 Kovalenko, 27 Mekong, 28 Marcinios, 50 Borbat, 76 Picaronnock, 77 Bondar, 99 Fernando


Editor in charge: GOULA
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