It was turned upside down! Europa League - Manchester United 1-2 Seville failed to win the final with De Jong as a substitute

August 17, 2020 04:55:42 PP Sports | 77

In the early morning of August 17, Beijing time, United played Seville in the semi-final of the Europa League. In the first half, Rushford set up a point, and B scored the first goal, then Suso equalized the score; In the second half, the Red Devils wasted many chances to break the goal, and Luc De Jong was a substitute to win. In the end, Seville, the five European champions, reversed Manchester United 2-1 and reached the final for the sixth time in the history of the team. The final opponent will be between Inter and Shakhtar Donetsk.

Competition highlights

Competition process:

In the seventh minute, Machar pushed his back straight, and Rushford was shoved away after finishing his shot. The referee decided to award a penalty kick; In the 9th minute, Bruno Fernandes sent the ball into the upper left corner of the goal, and United led Seville 1-0.

In the 16th minute, Ocampos burst into the left side of the restricted area and shot hard from a small angle, and the ball was saved by De Gea.

In the 26th minute, Regulon broke into the left side of the restricted area and knocked horizontally. Suso on the right side of the restricted area was completely defenseless. He followed his left foot to push the ball into the net, 1-1!

In the 33rd minute, the right side of Greenwood's restricted area was knocked back in an inverted triangle. Bogba followed the trend, and Machar rushed to the edge of the restricted area and shot his right foot slightly higher than the beam.

In the 39th minute, Manchester United won a free kick in the middle of the front court. Rushford took a direct shot. The ball went around the wall and went straight to the left of the goal. The goalkeeper flew to save the ball.

In the first minute of injury stoppage time in the first half, Bogba knocked horizontally from the right side of the front court, and after stopping the ball, B Fei at the front of the restricted area directly volleyed, but the ball was still saved by the goalkeeper.

In the second minute of stoppage time in the first half, Bogba launched a counter attack from the back court. Rushford ran into the restricted area along the left side of the court with the ball. He was going to fake to open the opponent's player and shoot, but his feet were mixed with garlic, and the ball was cleared by the opponent.

Less than one minute after the start of the second half, B Fei went straight into the middle of the field, Greenwood broke into the right side of the restricted area, stopped the ball with his left foot and shot with his right foot, and the ball was saved by the goalkeeper.

In the 50th minute, in front of B Fei's diagonal cross on the right side of the front court, the ball accurately found Marshall at the back of the goal. The French's small angle left foot strong shot was saved by the goalkeeper, and Rushford's make-up shot was blocked by the other player; Less than one minute later, Machar's small angle volley from the left side of the restricted area to get rid of the defense was saved by the goalkeeper, and Rushford's catch up shot was blocked out of the bottom line.

In the 53rd minute, Machar steals in the front court, Bogba sends out the straight plug, Machar breaks into the right side of the restricted area and directly stabs the goalkeeper, but the ball is still saved by the goalkeeper.

In the 66th minute, Rushford let off steam on the sidelines and smashed the ball to the ground. He also got a yellow card for this irrational behavior.

In the 73rd minute, Seville put the free kick on the left side of the front court into the restricted area. Although they thought that the handball was fouled when defending in the restricted area of fee B, the referee confirmed that it was not handball after communicating with VAR.

In the 78th minute, Navas crossed from the right side of the front court and the ball bypassed the three defenders of United. De Rong in the middle of the small restricted area easily poked the goal and Seville overtook United 2-1!

After losing the ball again, B Fei and Lindloff had a fierce quarrel.

In the end, Manchester United was defeated 1-2 by Seville and missed the final.

Two teams:

Manchester United (4-2-3-1): 1-De Gea/2900000 Pisaka (88'24 Mensa), 2-Lindloff, 5-Maguire, 53 Williams (88'21 Daniel James)/6-Bogba, 17 Fred/26 Greenwood (90+3'25 Eharo), 18 Bruno Fernandez, 10 Rushford (88'8 Marta)/9-Machael

Substitutes not playing: 22 Romero, 13 Grant, 3 Bailey, 71 Monge, 39 McTomina, 31 Matic, 15 Pereira, 14 Ringard

Seville (4-3-3): 13 - Bunu/16 - Navas, 12 - Conde, 20 - Diego Carlos, 23 - Regillon/24 - Haldane (88'17 - Goodley), 25 - Fernando, 10 - Barnega/41 - Suso (75'22 - Vazquez), 51 - Ernesli (56'19 - Luc de Jong), 5 - Ocampos (56'11 - Munir)

Substitutes not playing: 1-Vaclik, 31 Harvey Dias, 3 Selgi Gomez, 40 Pablo Peres, 18 Escudro, 21 Oliver Torres, 28 Jose Lara, 36 Hernaro

Editor in charge: 77
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