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What if I forget my password?
I suggest you check it first Login name and password entered during login Whether it is correct or not. Please note not to add extra Space, uppercase and lowercase, and full width and half width of input method Wait, if it still fails, please try again after retrieving the password by the following methods:
1. Click Forgot Password in the login box on the home page or on the login page to retrieve the password through your registered email.
2. If you have not received the mail to retrieve your password or cannot retrieve it for some reason, it is recommended that you stamp your company's official seal on the date of the company's business license and fill in the following information on the license:
1) Your member login name or company name, registration email, contact information and contact person filled in during registration
2) Note“ Change Password
Then fax to 0571-28926078 Pharmaceutical Equipment Network Yes, we will submit it to the relevant department to initialize a password for you and contact you within one working day after receiving it. thank you!
How to modify contact information?
Steps to modify contact information:
1. Log in from the home page → 2. Enter the member area → 3. After entering the member area, there is a“ My Member Information ”Column, click to enter“ Modify basic information ”And“ Modify company information ”, you can modify it on the display page, and click“ Confirm that the above information is correct and submit for modification ”Button.
Why can't I find the product information after it is released?
The information is waiting for the review of our editorial staff. The prerequisite for passing the review is that the product information is related to the nature of the platform and does not violate the relevant laws and regulations on Internet information release. The audit is generally completed within 1 working day.
What if I can't see the verification code?
1. Please try refreshing the page first.
2. If you still cannot see the verification code after refreshing, it is possible that your IE has not enabled "Active Script" and the security level is set too high,
You can do the following: (Click "Tools" - "Internet Options" - "Security" - "Default Level" - "OK")

At the same time, please delete the temporary files on your computer as follows:

1) Open the browser, click the "Tools" menu, and open the dialog box of "INTERNET Options";
2) Click the "General" tab, select "Delete COOKIES", and press OK in the pop-up dialog box; Then click "Delete File", tick before deleting all offline content, and press OK;
3) Click the "Security" tab, click the "Default Level" in the lower right corner. If it is a gray button that cannot be pressed, skip this step.
4) Click the "Privacy" tab and select "Default" in the lower right corner. If it is a gray button that cannot be pressed, skip this step. Click Advanced and select Overwrite Automatic Cookie Processing on the pop-up page. Select "Accept" for the first party cookie and the third party cookie below, and then click "OK".
5) Click the "Advanced" tab, then select the "Restore Default Settings" button in the lower right corner, and then click the "OK" button at the bottom;
6) Close all browsers, then open them, and re enter the pharmaceutical equipment network to see if the problem has been solved.
Why certification?
Certification is the proof of your enterprise qualification and identity, which can improve the visibility of your information in the various columns of the website, make potential customers pay more attention to you, trust you, and improve the chances of transaction!
For this service, you need to provide us with a copy of your company's business license and seal it. There are two ways:
1. Fax 0571-28926078 to Miss Xu of Pharmaceutical Equipment Network;
2. Mail it to Room 1208, Huaxing Century Building, 317 Wantang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou, to Miss Xu, Chuangbao Network!
Why become a paid member?
1) View purchase information and actively contact the purchaser;
2) Information ranking is high, and buyers can find you faster;
3) Online shops are displayed throughout the year, and all major exhibitions have in-depth cooperation;
What is a shop?
The shop is a platform for online display of enterprise products. Professional designers design and produce high-end intelligent website construction products for enterprises. It not only has the advantages of exquisite design and powerful functions of traditional customized websites, but also has the characteristics of simple use and convenient maintenance of intelligent websites. It is the best choice for enterprise website construction.
What is integral?
Membership points are a set of reward system for member information release launched by Pharmaceutical Equipment Network, which adopts the suggestions of manufacturers and gives them a fairer opportunity to display products so that buyers can purchase high-quality products.
The function of integral?
1) Member points can improve the ranking of published information in website search results;
2) Member points can participate in the point discount activities;
What if I forget my password?
How to modify contact information?
Why can't I find the product information after it is released?
What if I can't see the verification code?
Why certification?
Why become a paid member?
What is a shop?
What is integral?
The function of integral?
Customer service hotline: 0571-2892608228926072
Customer service fax: 0571-28926078
Contact QQ: 189990251
Address: Room 1208, Huaxing Century Building, 317 Wantang Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou
Gold member Advanced shops Enterprise station building Member Points Help Center contact us
Pharmaceutical Equipment Network Copyright 1999-2024 Zhejiang B2-20100234-5
Business QQ: 33957776 189990138 Customer Service QQ: 189990251
Customer service hotline: 0571-2892608228926072 Fax: 0571-28926078
Copyright: Hangzhou Chuangbo Network Technology Co., Ltd. Legal adviser: Jingheng Law Group

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