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Today's rumor refutation (May 24, 2024)

Source: China Internet joint rumor dispelling platform Time: 2024-05-24

May 24, 2024

Rumor: "Lin Hui", a giant panda in Thailand, was beaten to death?

   truth: On April 19, 2023, the giant panda "Lin Hui" in Thailand died. Subsequently, the news about "Lin Hui was beaten to death" spread on the Internet, causing concern. In response to this, the China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center recently issued a document saying that the news was a rumor, and the center had previously made a public statement about the death of "Lin Hui". According to the autopsy of the giant panda "Lin Hui" by the Sino Thai joint expert group and the pathological and pathogenic examination of more than 50 samples, "Lin Hui", who is entering the old age stage, died of multiple organ failure due to atherosclerosis and embolism. The nosebleed that occurred before death was caused by hemangioma in the nasal cavity, and the fur of other parts was contaminated. The Chinese expert team made a comprehensive assessment of the facilities, medical team, food management, health system and diet management of the Chiang Mai Zoo in Thailand, and the relevant conditions met the requirements of giant panda breeding management and disease prevention and control. (Source: @ China Giant Panda Protection and Research Center)


   Myth: Is precancerous lesions not far away from cancer?

   truth: This statement is incorrect. The reason why precancerous lesions are called "precancerous lesions" rather than "precancerous lesions" is precisely because precancerous lesions are not cancer. Precancerous lesions refer to some lesions that may eventually become cancerous if they continue to develop. In other words, precancerous lesions themselves are not cancer, nor will they develop into cancer 100%. We need not be too nervous because of precancerous lesions. But correspondingly, we should take active actions to deal with precancerous lesions, including active examination, treatment, reexamination, etc., which can greatly reduce the possibility of cancer. (Source: Science refutes rumors)


Tip: Received the "Notice of Issuance of National Debt"? Watch out for fraud!

   Details: Recently, some netizens received an unidentified express delivery containing "Notice on the Issuance of National Debt", "Agreement on the Use of National Debt Fund" and other documents, which claimed that "the Ministry of Human Resources has selected some personnel to notify the public in writing of this national debt", "the central government has issued nearly trillion national debt, and only 28800 yuan is needed to apply for a withdrawal of 2.88 million yuan". It is verified that this act is a fraud committed by the fraudster in the name of issuing national debt by the Ministry of Finance. If netizens believe it, they will find that they have passed the review if they enter the chat interface through the link in the notice. At this time, the other party will send an "important notice", claiming that after the review, 1% of the total amount of the service fee will be paid to collect the funds. Subsequently, netizens were constantly induced to transfer money by the excuse of "the account was frozen and needs to be unfrozen due to the wrong bank and password", so as to commit fraud.

The police remind that the treasury bonds issued by the Ministry of Finance will be announced through the official website of the Ministry of Finance. When the bank sells and purchases, it should consult the formal underwriting institution and confirm the authenticity of the national policy of benefiting the people through official channels. When you receive an unknown express, you must be highly vigilant. Do not scan the code or click on an unknown link at will. (Source: WeChat official account of "China Police Network")


Editor in charge: Yan Dandan