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Both husband and wife have cancer, and the incentives are similar! Doctor's urgent reminder

Source: WeChat official account of "Beijing Daily" Time: 2024-05-23

Beijing Daily

Can cancer also "follow the husband"? It is reported that recently, Lao Zhang and his wife from Zhejiang Province both found colorectal cancer.

Why did the disease happen to the couple at the same time? Jiang Jianhua, director of the Endoscopy Center of the First People's Hospital of Fuyang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, said that the occurrence of "marital cancer" has a lot to do with bad living habits.

"Fortunately, the husband and wife found it in a timely manner, both of which are early colorectal cancer, so it is OK to conduct regular follow-up review." Jiang Jianhua said that timely treatment means a longer survival period, and the quality of life in the future will not be greatly affected.

Another disaster caused by "excessive thrift"

It is rare for couples to suffer from the same cancer at the same time. Moreover, cancer itself is not contagious. The cause of "marital cancer" lies in the similar lifestyle of couples, mainly related to eating habits, emotions, environmental pollution, etc.

Taking Lao Zhang and his wife for example, Jiang Jianhua believes that their intestinal cancer is closely related to their bad eating habits.

"According to Laozhang, he and his wife don't pay much attention to food. Usually, the couple are thrifty. They can't finish a meal, so they put the leftovers in the refrigerator. They continue to eat the second meal. Sometimes they mix with fresh dishes and eat them, often for three days." Jiang Jianhua explained.

The content of nitrite in pickles and overnight meals is high. After excessive nitrite enters the human body, it will combine with the protein decomposition product amine in the mouth, stomach and intestines to form nitrosamines. Nitrosamines are Grade I carcinogens, which have a high risk of causing esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, intestinal cancer and other diseases.

   Pay attention to these symptoms

Colorectal cancer is a kind of malignant tumor that can be prevented and treated. The key lies in "early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment". However, "asymptomatic" is often the "invisibility cloak" of colorectal cancer, and the early symptoms of hematochezia are somewhat similar to hemorrhoids, which is easy to be ignored.

The doctor reminds us to pay attention to the following symptoms and go to the hospital as soon as possible:

1. Change of stool character: such as abnormal stool shape, blood in stool, etc;

2. Paroxysmal abdominal pain: early pain may not be obvious or only dull pain, and pain may worsen during defecation;

3. Sudden change of defecation habits: for example, the frequency of defecation increases, and the feeling of incomplete defecation occurs;

4. The elderly also need to be alert to the occurrence of colon cancer in case of sudden "constipation".

At the same time, doctors suggest that people should eat less fried, pickled and high-fat foods, eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, and appropriately increase the proportion of coarse grains and miscellaneous grains in the staple food, not too fine or too refined. In addition, we should maintain a healthy lifestyle, exercise moderately and control weight.

In addition, people over 45 years of age should be screened for colorectal cancer on a regular basis, mainly by means of fecal occult blood and colonoscopy. High risk groups, especially those with family genetic history, are recommended to go to regular hospitals as soon as possible.

Editor in charge: Zhou Wenjing